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TH E ETUD E 1 SUMMER MUSIC SCHOOLS. Established 1891 ^IDtrgtl flMarto School... 29 West 15th Street, New yc>rl< SUlVUWEf* COURS E ,—Beginning July 19th, closing August 22d ...Q 5 LESSONS , SSO.O O Interesting circular sent free Mrs. A. K. VIRGIL, Director SUMMER NORMAL MUSIC SCHOOL nn . PE^ue e V . JE**VI S JUN E 27TH-JUL Y 22D . A Complet e Syste m of Musi c Education . Designed especially to meet the needs of Pianoforte Students, but equally adapted to Kindergarten and Public School Teachers of Music. LECTURES AND COURSES OF STUDY. I. Children's Class (Daily). II. Lectures on Music Education and Teaching. III. Music Analysis (Daily)—What to Think. IV. Practical Material for Study (Six Lectures). V. Demonstrative Class for Pianoforte Students. (Open only to Stu-dents of the Normal Course.) YI. Demonstrative Class for Kindergarten and Public School Teachers of Music. There will be given a series of programs of Chamber and Pianoforte Music. CKLYI N B . CRDY , Suite 51 0 Fine Arts Bldg., Michigan Boulevard, CHICAGO, ILL. WILL CONDUCT A Cleveland School of Music. SUMME R TERM , Entire faculty in attendance. Splendid equipment. Delightful location, overlooking Lake Erie. F^all Ter m open s Septembe r li t Li. CLEVELAND , O . ALFRED ARTHUR, Director. Summer School FOR THE STUDY OF Tfi E VlHG m CliRVlH H METHOD , AT THE 3ems==1bar&enbergf o pian o Scbool , SCRANTON, PENNA. For particulars address JERVIS-HARDENBERGH PIANO SCHOOL, SCRANTON , PENNA. , or PERLE E V . JERVIS , STEI N WAY HALL, NE W YORK . E7VHI- LIEBLIN G will continue lessons during the summer months ; every feature of piano playing and music teaching, concert playing, etc., fully covered. Address for particulars, KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO , ILL . SYNTHETI C PIAN O SCHOOL . 33 2 WES T 58T H ST., NEW YORK CITY. SPECIAL COURSE IN JUNE AND JULY. WRITE TO MISS KATE S. CHITTENDEN FOR PARTICULARS. SPECIA L SUMME R COURS E J^SS*"™ " SILA S G . PRATT, the eminent composer-pianist, pupil of Bendel, KullaJc the e i*r » r i Liszt, will continue lessons during July and August. Sp-ecul: Har-mony as an aid to piano playing, thinking, and mem rising -zjtm, the soul of music, poetic content, emotional element, style, and analysis. " Technic a means, not an end." All lessons private. Lecture Recitals, Pupils* KeciUU. F r I apply to S. PRATT , Principal West End School f in- , 176 West 86th Street, New York City. Summe r Glas s ¥¥ ¥ CHICAGO July 3d to 28th for . flMano ZUeacbers TERMS: Full Course Without Practical Class in Mason's System . . . $15. The Mason Class alone $10. PRIVATE LESSONS at the rate of $2.50 per half hour Engagements mu*t be made in advance . . . Conversationa l Lecture s upo n th e Principle s an d Method s of Pian o Teaching , includin g Technique , Phrasing , an d Interpretation , fro m beginnin g to advanced . Harmon y instructio n for thos e de -siring it. Te n practical lesson s in Mason' s Exercises , includin g th e prope r metho d of Touch , Scales , Arpeggios , Octaves , Chords , an d Bravura . The whole designed to afford a Prac-tical Introduction to Piano Teaching according to Modern Methods ADDRESS W. S. B. MATHEWS, 1403 Auditorium Tower A Summer Session H. W. Greene Vocal Studios at the Beginnin g Jun e 27th , continuin g unti l Septembe r 14th , a t .. . . 48 9 Fifth Ave., New yorl< ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ MR. GREENE, in addition to private instruction, in the various branches, will resume his Special Lectures and Class Instruction for Teacher*, illustrating by lessons given publicly the Mode and Methods which have gained for this School its enviable reputation. MISS CAIA AARUP will direct the Piano Department, giving Private Instruction and a Series of Recitals. MISS H. E. WOODRUFF will conduct a Class in Theory, and also intro-duce her original and successful System of Sight Singing. ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Bo and engaged foi* students coming ifo m a distance For terms address Jl. W. GREECE * 48 9 Fift h Avenue , Neu i Yor k
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