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17 O TH E ETUD E New Compositions BY EDWfl^t J JVLftcDoWELili . PIANO. Op. 55. SEA PIECES. No. 1. To the Sea. No. 2. From a Wandering Iceberg. No. 3. A. D. 1620. No. 4. Starlight. No. 5. Song. No. 6. From the Depths. No. 7. Nautilus. No. 8. In Mid-Ocean. Net, $1 25 This collection, of which several numbers have been played by the composer at his various concerts, has received marked encomiums from lovers of the most refined compositions. The treatment of each theme is artistic and musicianly. They will thoroughly interest the earnest student and the professional player. NEWL Y REVISED EDITIONS. Op. 13. Prelude and Fague $0 50 Op. 16. Serenata 50 Op. 17, No. 2. Witches' Dance 75 Op. 18, No. 1. Barcarolle in F 40 Op. 19, No. 3. Revery 25 Op. 19, No. 4. Dance of the Dryads 60 Op. 24, No. 4. Czardas (Friska) 50 Op. 28, No. 4. Idyl in B-flat 40 Op 28, No. 5. Idyl in G 40 Op. 31, No. 2. Scotch Poem 40 In ordering please mention " Edition Revised by the Composer." SONGS. 0p. 56. FOUR SONGS. High or Low Yoice. No. 1. Long Ago, Sweetheart Mine. No. 2. The Swan Bent Low to the Lily. No. 3. A Maid Sings Light, and a Maid Sings Low. No. 4. As the Gloaming Shadows Creep. Net, .75 Written in the usual effective style of this eminent composer. THORN, EDGAR, Op. 7, SIX FANCIES. No. 1. A Tin Soldier's Love. No. 2. To a Humming Bird. No. 3. Summer Song. No. 4. Across Fields. No. 5. Bluette. No. 6. An Elfin Round. Net, .75 By the composer of " In Lilting Rhythm," which has been played by Edward MacDowell at his various concerts. SMITH, GERRIT, Op. 20, SEVEN SONGS FOR MEDIUM VOICE. No. 1. Bee Song 40 No. 2. Sky Ship 40 No. 3. Alpine Rose 40 No. 4. To You, Kathleen 40 No. 5. Thy Face 35 No. 6. Thoughts 40 No. 7. Love's Death 25 Seven dainty songs from the pen of a well-known American com-poser. Portrait Catalogue of Prominent American Composers with a List of Their Compositions Sent Free upon Application. Mail Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled to all Parts of the Country. ARTHUR P. SCHMIDT, BOSTON: 146 Boy Is ton Street. NEW YORK: 136 Fifth Avenue. 4 Just Published BY G. SCHIRMER, NEW YORK. New Piano Music. BR0CKWAY , HOWARD . Four Pieces. Op. 21, No. 1. Andante Tranquillo, . $0 35 2. Scherzino, 50 3. Romance, 50 4. Yalse-Caprice,... . 50 ENGEL, S. CAMILL0. The Children's Festival. Eight easy pieces in first and second grade : No. 1. Spanish Dance. 2. Topical Song and Dance. 3. The Juggler. 4. Polonaise. 5. Yalse Allemande. 6. Rope-skipping. 7. Hungarian Dance. 8. March to Supper. Each, Op. 30. Lydia, Air de Ballet, . . . Op. 32. Four Pieces: No. 1. At the Lake, . . 2. To Spring, . . . 3. Gesangsscene, 4. An Albumleaf, . Pensee Fugitive, Particular attention is ca led to these compo-sitions by Mr. Engel. They combine all the requisite elements of first class teaching music, viz., melody, harmony, grace, and style. HTJSS, HENRY HOLDER. A Summer Sketch-Book. Six pieces for young players (second and 0RTH, JOHN. Op. 8, No. 1. Menuet-Fantaisie,. . . 2. Seconde Danse Caracter-istique, 3. Seconde Polonaise, . . 4. Staccato Brillante,. . . This set of four pieces offers a variety of styles and an abundance of melody. Although composed in a popular vein, the pieces also possess didactic qualities which will insure them a place among the best of teaching music. They do not exceed the fourth grade of difficulty. WHITING, ARTHUR. Op. 14. Three Waltzes : No. 1. Yalse Improvisation, . 2. Yalse Caprice, . . . 3. Yalse Sentimentale, . 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 third grades): NTo. 1. A May Morning, 40 2. An Evening Song 40 3. Yalse Petite, 75 4. Alia Zingara (G-ipsy Dance), 40 5. A Summer Sunset, 40 6. Alia Tarantella, 75 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 Send for Catalogue of SCHIRMER'S LIBRARY EDITION of Musical Classics. CLAYTON F. SUMMY CO., 220 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111., SOLE REPRESENTATIVES IN CHICAGO FOR THE CHICKERING PIANO. Publishers and Importers of Music, General Dealers in Pianos and Music of the Better Class. NEW PUBLICATIONS. Gaynor, Jessie L. Eye ! (c-d) A most pleasing little lullaby. SONGS . Hush A-bye ! Close You' FO 40 Rogers, J. H. Doubt Not, O Friend (c#-f$) •• ~ The First Spring Days (f-gl?) .. A Winter Song. D, F (f-a) An examination of these three songs reveals a freshness and beauty, meriting more than passing notice. They present really fine numbers for recital or teaching purposes. Weidig, Adolph. The Disappointed Snowflakes (c-d) Polly's Handkerchief (e>-eb) A Spring Chorus (d-f) Three charming little li Stories in Song" for children. Easy accompaniments and singable melodies. PIANO SOLO. • Liebling, Emil. Op. 37. Three Easy Rondinos. No. 1, in C 40 No. 2, in G 40 No. 3, in F 50 Musical and attractive material for second-grade work. Pfefferkorn, Otto. Asphodel 65 Chrysalis (Air de Ballet) 50 Cradle Song 25 Daphne (Yalse) 1 00 Dolce far Niente (Valse Movement) 50 Undine ">0 Third to fourth grade ; light and brilliant in style. These are well calculated to develop fluency in execution. Rogers, J. H. SCENES DE BAL. Esquisses pour Piano. Price net, 1 25 No. 1. Prelude d'Orcliestre. No. 2. Un tour de Valse. No. 3. Souvenance. No. 4. Les Bavards. No. 5. La Heine du Bal. No. 6. Coquette. No. 7. Blonde et Brune. No. 8. L'oiseau qui chante dans le jardin. No. 9. Polonaise—Finale. A charming set of tone-pictures, depicting the various incidents of a Bal Costume. They are most attractive musically, and merit the careful attention of music lovers. PIPE ORGAN. Gaynor=KeIIer. Reverie 50 Liszt=Falk. Dream of Love, No. 3 75 West, J. A. March, in A 6.~> Wrightson, H. J. Op. 45. Sonata No. 3 2 00 STRING QUARTET. Weidig, Adolph. Op. 16. Serenade. Score, net 1 0" Parts 2 Ou An attractive composition of moderate diffi-culty ; well worthy a place in the repertoire of all string quartets. Summy's Bulletin of New Music sent free upon application.
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