TIlE ETUDE DECEMBER 1920 Page 795 (Mfer nf (Stfia far Mmxt Untt^rs POSITIVEL Y EXPIRE S JANUAR Y 1 , 192 1 Early Shopping by Mail Means a Saving of Time and Money Send All Orders for These "Holiday Offers" to Theo. Presser Co., Philadelphia, Pa. THE PRICES GIVEN ARE FOR CASH WITH ORDER—TRANSPORTA-TION CHARGES PREPAID Pronouncing Dictionary of Musical Terms B y H . A. CLARK E Regula r Price , $1.25 Holida y Cas h Price , 85 cent s N o matter how man y dictionaries a musician may have i n his library it will not be com-plete without this first-class, up-to-date work, by one of our most prominent musicians and theorists. A clear and exact definition of all musical terms, the pronunciation of all foreign musical words, the names, with pronunciation, of all the most prominent musicians of the last two centuries, with dates of birth and death and their nationality are amon g the many important features in this book. Substantially bound in red cloth. Pocket Dictionary of Musical Terms B y H. A. CLARK E Regula r Price , 30 cent s Holida y Cas h Price , 20 cent s A convenient pocket-size ref e ence book. Gives all the musical terms necessary for the average musician to understand ^nd therefore makes an ideal gif t for teachers to present to pupils. Those interested in children studying music will with such a little remembrance as this dictionary stimulate the desire for musical knowledge. Great Pianists on the Art of Piano Playing B y JAME S FRANCI S COOK E Regula r Price , $2.25 Holida y Cas h Price , $1.50 postpai d Study Conferences with Foremost Virtuosos A most admirable gift for the music lover, the student or the teacher interested in the piano. Paderewski, Samaroff, Hutcheson, Jonas, Grainger, Ganz, Hambourg and other virtuosos have supplied conference s that make this work the most complete compendium of authoritative advice o n the subject. Handsomel y bound and illustrated. Th e Petite Library Regular Price: Cloth, 35 cents each, Complete $2.50 Holiday Price: Cloth, 20 cents each, Complete $1.70 Extremely readable little volume s o f biogra-phies. There are nine volumes, one each on Handel, Haydn, Weber, Beethoven , Mendel-ssohn, Chopin, Liszt, Wagne r and Mozart. The size (2^x3^ ) makes the books unusually handy. Complete sets are boxed. Th e bind-ing is quite neat and substantial. Master s and Their Musi c B y W . S. B . Mathew s Regula r Price $2.00 Holiday Cash Price $1.35, postpaid A handbook of musical literature for those interested in musical clubs and classes, as well as for private students. Richard Wagner—Hi s Life and Works B y A . Jullie n Regula r Pric e $2.25 Holiday Cash Price $1.50, postpaid Thi s is truly a notable biography. Copiously illustrated and beautifully boui.d. Pictures from the Lives of Great Composers By Thoma s Tappe r Regula r Pric e $1.50 Holiday Cash Price $1.00, postpaid A n ideal book for a child. Thes e little stor-ies, besides teaching biography delightfully, teach also contemporaneous history. Maste r Lessons in Pianoforte Playing B y E. M . Bowma n Regula r Pric e $1.25 Holiday Cash Price 85 cents, postpaid A series of lessons in the for m "of "Letters From a Musician to Hi s Nephew, " giving the essentials in artistic pianoforte playing. Imaginary Biographical Letters from Great Master s B y Alethe a Crawfor d Cox an d Alic e Chapi n Regula r Price $1.50 Holiday Cash Price $1.00, postpaid A fascinating little book of imaginary let-ters, addressed to our little musical friends. Business Manual for Teachers B y Geo . C. Bende r Regula r Price $1. Holiday Cash Price 85 cents, postpaid Tells the teacher how to make the most or his talents through good business system. Sensible and complete methods for increasing incomes suggested v Should be in the hands of every teacher. Chats with Musi c Student s B y Thoma s Tappe r Regula r Price $1.75 Holiday Cash Price $1.20, postpaid Those who make music a life work will find in the chapters of this work many hints and benefits, that pertain to their own daily lives as musicians. Complete History of Music B y W . J . Baltzel l Regula r Pric e $2.00 Holiday Cash Price $1.35, postpaid Contributions from leading American writers help in making this one of the best text-books on the subject fro m the earliest time to the present. The plan of the book centers atten-tion upon the evolution of music. Th e volume is large and well bound in cloth. Well-known Piano Solos and Ho w to Piay The m B y Chas . H . Wilkinso n Regula r Price $2.00 Holiday Cash Price $1.35, postpaid Thes e discussions are short and to the point, being extremely logical throughout. Pianists can hardly afford to be without this valuable book. A wid e range of composers i s covered. Education of th e Musi c Teacher B y Thoma s Tappe r Regula r Pric e $1.75 Holiday Cash Price $1.20, postpaid A volum e of 2i24 pages, handsomely bound, that tells in concise form what a teacher must know to achieve success. Musical Sketche s B y Elise Polk o Regula r Pric e $1.50 Holiday Cash Price $1.00, postpaid Thi s volume offers enjoyable reading to all interested in music. MUSIC ROLLS and SATCHELS, MUSICAL CALENDARS, MUSICAL PICTURES, MUSICAL GAMES and Other Gift Suggestions for Music Lovers will be Found on Cover Pages PIANO PLAYING WITH PIANO QUESTIONS ANSWERED B y JOSE F HOFMAN N Regula r Price , $2.00 Holida y Cas h Price , $1.35 A Veritable Mine of Pianistic Information A work of momentous interest to every student and teacher of the piano by one of the greatest pianists of the age. Ther e are two hundred and fifty questions answered, bearing o n the vital points i n piano playing and on music„ generally, in addition to almost a hundred pages of essays, replete with valuable information, and told in a ver y direct, simple and impressive manner. Thi s is a book that we can recommend very highly to piano teachers, because w e fee l that it will give them more power in their work and make their life's work more interesting. Stories of Standard Teaching Pieces B y EDW . BAXTE R PERR Y Regula r Price , $2.00 Holida y Cas h Price , $1.35 postpai d Gives the Romance, Anecdot e and Educational information that add zest to the pupil's lesson. Th e surest way to awaken the interest of the student is to place in his possession a copy of this work, which describes the "inner meaning" of the pieces he plays. Descriptive Analyses of Piano Works B y EDW . BAXTE R PERR Y Regula r Price , $2.00 Holida y Cas h Price , $1.35 postpai d A work that is a poetic, dramatic and historical analysis or description of some of the greatest and best-known piano compositions. Thes e descriptions add much to th e pleasure obtained by the concert goer and musician i n hearing and rendering such works. Choir and Chorus Conducting—Latest Edition! B y F . W . WODEL L Holida y Cas h Price , $1.35 postpai d Regula r Price , $2.00 A complete manual of information o n the organization, management, training and conducting of choirs and choruses, together with a chapter on the organization o f home, community and school orchestras. Thi s interesting and comprehensive volume also contains many usefu l sug-gestions to singers on accent, enunciation, interpretation, phrasing, breathing, etc. Albums for the Singer CELEBRATED RECITAL SONGS Compiled by David Bispham Regular Price $2.00 Holiday Cash Price $1.00 Th e most notable collection of songs, ancient and modern, made in recent years. There are copious notes, revisions, English translations, teaching directions and other excellent fea-tures. Forty-four song s personally edited by David Bispham. "SINGERS' REPERTOIRE Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents A n album worthy of being in the library of any singer. Th e thirty-six songs are in the medium voice. STANDARD SONG TREASURY Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Forty-eight selected songs, chiefly for me-dium voice, suitable for church, home and concert. SONGS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN By Thurlow Lieurance Regular Price $1.50 Holiday Cash Price 75 cents These songs are, without doubt, the best that have been harmonized from original In-dian themes. Th e individuality and beauty of these songs make this an ideal gif t for the singer. ARTISTIC VOCAL ALBUM Regular Price $1.25 Holiday Cash Price 65 cents A high and low voice volume of this title may be had. B e sure to mention which is de-sired when ordering. Th e numbers are of a type and excellenc e that will please the vo-calist. THE STANDARD VOCALIST Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Fift y sacred and secular songs of average compass for ever y possible purpose. Albums for the Violinist OPERATIC SELECTIONS for Violin and Piano Regular Price 90 cents Holiday Cash Price 45 cents Th e best melodies from the standard operas, arranged in a masterly manner. THE STANDARD VIOLINIST Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Thirty-two selections suited to all possible occasions and within the range of the average player. SELECTED CLASSICS for Violin and Piano Regular Price 90 cents Holiday Cash Price 45 cents Practical and effective arrangements from the works of the great masters. FAVORITE OLD TIME TUNES Regular Price 1.00 Holiday Cash Price 50 cents A volume that makes an ideal gift fo j the violinist. Contains those numbers that awaken memories, as well as old jigs and hornpipes that enliven many an occasion and furnish recreation to the player. Albums for the Organist THE AMERICAN ORGANIST Regular Price $2.00 Holiday Cash Price $1.20 A pipe-organ collection, cloth bound, of unusual worth. THE ORGAN PLAYER Regular Price $2.00 Holiday Cash Price $1.20 One of the best pipe-organ collections ob-tainable, cloth bound. ORGAN REPERTOIRE Regular Price $2.00 Holiday Cash Price $1.20 A companion pipe-organ volum e to* Organ Player. Cloth bound. THE STANDARD ORGANIST Regular Price 75 ccnts Holiday Cash Price 40 cents In this album there are forty-three moderate length compositions suitable for all purposes and written in all styles.
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