Page 70 I/O DECEMBER 1920 THE ETUDE Annual fplxhnij TH E PRICE S GIVEN ARE FOR CASH WIT H ORDER—TRANSPORTA -TIO N CHARGE S PREPAI D SPECIA L HOLIDA Y CAS H PRICES=THI S OFFE R Many Suggestions for the Teacher, Student and Lover of Music None of These Publications Will be Sen t "On Sale" a t These Special Holiday Prices GROVE'S DICTIONARY of MUSIC and MUSICIANS wit h th e New American Supplement Six Large Volumes , Boun d in Red Cloth Stampe d i n Gold Speciall y Priced , $20.0 0 A Splendid Gift for a Musician This greatest of all musical works embraces every branch of musical _ education, musical science, theory, history, biography, musical terms, aesthetics and musical industries. Over a period of sixteen years 184 musical specialists worked on this musical encyclopedia. The first five volumes contain 4,000 pages, and the treatment of ever y subject is most complete. TH E NE W AMERICA N SUPPLEMEN T (the sixth volume) is an indispensable record of American musical institutions, personages and achievement. There are over 1,000 items in the index, and in itself this volume is a neede d work fo r every music library. Buy Yourself a Set on Easy Terms 'Four dollars will bring this set to you, and the balance may be paid in monthly installments of $2.00. Albums for Beginning, Intermediate or Advanced Pianists ADVANCE D STUD Y PIECE S Regular Price$1.00 Holiday Cash Price 50 cents Upper medium grade pieces of musical merit with real technical value. STANDAR D ELEMENTAR Y ALBU M Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Th e most comprehensive collection of easy teaching pieces published. 82 numbers. STANDAR D AMERICA N ALBU M Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Meritorious recital numbers, all by Ameri-can composers. Upper medium grade. STANDAR D OPER A ALBU M Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Melodies from the great operas arranged i n the best manner; of intermediate difficulty not beyond the fourth grade. "ALBU M O F DESCRIPTIV E PIECE S Regular Price $1.25 Holiday Cash Price 65 cents Characteristic piano pieces, depicting mu-sically various moods, scenes and impressions. AMERICAN^OMPOSERS'ALBUM ^ Regular Price $1.25 Holiday Cash Price 65 cents Excellen t numbers, by representative Ameri-can composers. A credit to American music. ~~~~~ CELEBRATE D COMPOSITION S BY FAMOU S COMPOSER S Regular Price $1.00 Holiday Cash Price 50 cents A volume of such compositions as every good pianist delights in having. COMPOSITION S FO R TH E PIANOFORT E BY WOMA N COMPOSER S Regular Price $1.00 Holiday Cash Price 50 cents Some of the best compositions by successful woman composers. MASTERPIECE S FO R TH E PIANOFORT E Regular Price $1.50 Holiday Cash Price 75 cents Real masterpieces selected from great com-posers. MODERN I DRAWIN G ROO M PIECE S Regular Price $1.25 Holiday Cash Price 65 cents A popular album and of a wid e appeal to pianists. SUNDAT T PIAN O MUSI C Regular Price $1.00 Holiday Cash Price 50 cents Dignified, stately and worshipful music fo r all Sunday playing. POPULA R RECITA L REPERTOIR E Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Such pieces as Dvorak's "Humoresque" and Schutt's " A La Bie n Aimee " are included in this album. ~ STANDAR D BRILLIAN T ALBUM Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Twenty-seve n pieces of a show y nature, yet not difficult. STANDAR D ADVANCED ALBUM Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents A collection containing twenty-eight classic and modern compositions. YOUNG PLAYERS' ALBUM Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents N o piano student of the earlier grades should be without the sevent y melodious numbers in this collection. PIANO PLAYERS' REPERTOIRE Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Tin e material for light reci+sj work or self-amusement. Ideal for aver;-, s n ; ?, STANDAR D PARLOR ALBUM Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash i r»te 40 cents Melodious and entertaining are the forty-one pieces in this album. STANDAR D FIRST PIECES Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Seventy-two pieces full of melody and mostly lying in the second grade. POPULAR HOM E COLLECTION Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Forty-six pieces not to be foun d in any other collection. Medium grade. STANDAR D STUDENTS ' CLASSIC ALBUM Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Pries 40 cents Th e very best composers, classical and mod-ern, are represented in the forty-eight com-positions in this album. SOUVENIR S OF TH E MASTER S By Geo. L. Spaulding Regular Price $1.00 Holiday Cash Price 50 cents Twenty-seven famou s melodies in easy ar-rangements. Excellen t fo r the child pianist. OPERATIC FOUR-HAN D ALBUM Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents A n excellent four-hand book, containing im-mortal melodies from operas. STANDAR D DUE T PLAYERS' ALBUM Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents A collection of medium grade four-hand pieces in different styles. "CONCER T DUET S Regular Price $1.25 Holiday Cash Price 65 cents Twenty-fou r excellent piano duets of a good character. MUSI C LOVERS' DUE T BOOK ~ Regular Price 75 cents Holiday Cash Price 40 cents Medium grade duets, excellent for diversion and sight-reading practice. ~ TW O PIANIST S Regular Price $1.25 Holiday Cash Price 65 cents Brilliant and popular duets for the piano, grade four. Child's Own Book of Great Musicians B y THOMA S TAPPE R Regula r Pric e 20 cent s eac h I Holiday Cash Price, 12 cent s each, postpaid A Unique Series of Biographies for Children BAC H BEETHOVE N CHOPI N HAYD N LISZ T MENDELSSOH N SCHUBER T MOZAR T WAGNE R VERD I SCHUMAN N HANDE L Thes e clever biographies are designed to instruct and at the same time amuse the children through a combination of play and study. A sheet of pictures describing various scenes, char-acters and events prominent in the lives of the great masters is furnished with each book. Afte r reading the stories the child cuts out these pictures and pastes them in the spaces designated; then, o n the blank pages provided at the back of the book, proceeds to write a short composition based on the knowledge acquired. A n artistic outside cover, a silk cord and a needle are supplied with each booklet in this series. Simple but explicit directions for binding are given and whe n completed the child can point with pride to a book most aptly named: The Child's Own Book of Great Musicians. Thi s system has been used in day schools for some time and as applied to ihe study of music biography by Mr. Tapper has proved an instantaneous success. It impresses the story o n the child mind in a most vivid and lasting manner. Standard History of Music B y JAME S FRANCI S COOK E Regula r Price , $1.50 Holiday Cash Price, $1.00, postpaid A History That Has Pleased Thousands Music lovers are here furnishe d interesting reading, and the music student is supplied with forty story lessons in music lore. The illustrations alone are of a most interesting character. Bound in red cloth, and stamped with gold, this two hundred and fifty page book, containing one hundred and fifty illustrations, makes a very desirable gift. Mistakes and Disputed Points an Music B y L. C . Elso n Regula r Pric e $1.50 Holiday Cash Price $1.00, postpaid Thos e many points regarding which mu-sicians disagree are full y discussed in this book. Man y teachers and students are woe-fully misinformed o n a hundred and one dif-feren t things that are here carefully explained. Gallery of Musical Celebrities Regula r Price : Pape r Bound , 75 cent s Holiday Cash Price 50 cents, postpaid A collection of portraits of seventy-two mu-sicians, with short biographies. This book is a fine volume for the teacher's studio or the music lover's reading table and fo r improving one's spare moments Gallery of Eminent Musicians Regula r Price: Pape r Bound , 75 cent s Holiday Cash Price 50 cents, postpaid Similar to the above-described volume. Thes e works are unique in condensation of material and beauty of illustration. Gallery of Distinguished Musicians Regula r Price : Pape r Bound , 75 cent s Holiday Cash Price 50 cents, postpaid Thi s work is another volume similar to the two described above. Thes e three works make a complete source of reference and offer more than two hundred biographies and as many illustrations. Celebrated Pianists, Past and Present B y A. Ehrlic h Regula r Pric e $2.50 Holiday Cash Price $1.70, postpaid One of the most reliable works on musical biography. Illustrated with 150 portraits of European and American pianists of the past and present. Music Masters Old and New B y Jame s Franci s Cook e Regula r Pric e $1.25 Holiday Cash Price 75 cents, postpaid A n excellent biographical work. Contains information about many modern masters not to be foun d elsewhere in English. Anecdotes of Great Musicians B y W . F . Gate s Regula r Pric e $2.00 Holiday Cash Price $1.35, postpaid T o the average reader this is one o5 the most interesting musical books published. Con-tains three hundred anecdotes of great com-posers, players and singers. Livel y and en-tertaining. | Music Life and How to Succeed in it B y Thoma s Tappe r Regula r Pric e $1.75 Holiday Cash Price $1.20, postpaid Numerou s phases of art and art lif e dis-cussed in a thoroughly practical way. A book of real value to all seriously interested in Reminiscences of a Musician's Vacation Abroad B y L. C. Elso n Regula r Pric e 75 cent s Holiday Cash Price 60 cents, postpaid Europe through the eye s of a musician. Mr. Elson was one of the fortunate fe w in whom the musical and literary gift s are combined—* always genial and witty, with a kee n relish for the humorous aspect of things. Life Stories of Great Composers B y R . A. Streatfiel d Regula r Pric e $2.00 Holiday Cash Price $1.35, postpaid Thirty-five biographies of the Great Masters. A s a book of reference, a book for the library and a book for study this will be foun d ideals Illustrated with full-page pbrtraits. The First Violin B y Jessi e Fothergil l Regula r Pric e $1.00 Holiday Cash Price 70 cents, postpaid This tale is beautifully told and for a mu-sical novel is classed in the first rank. This romance, entwined with a musician's life, in-terests the youn g and old alike. First Studies in Music Biography B y Thos . Tappe r Regula r Pric e $1.75 Holiday Cash Price $1.25 postpaid For foundation study in musical History this book is the best obtainable. A ver y appropri-ate gif t for an ambitious youn g student. MUSI C PUBLISHER S AN D DEALER S THEODORE PRESSER CO. 1710-1712-171 4 CHESTNU T STREE T PHILADELPHIA, PA. MAI L ORDE R MUSI C SUPPL Y HOUS E
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