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Il l 1 8 i • Sg|g8 1 i n g igj | r - 1 , % Subscriptio n Price, $2.00 per year i n Unite d States , Alaska , Cuba , Porto Rico , Mexico , Hawaii , Philippines, Panama , Guam , Tutuila , an d th e Cit y of Shanghai . In Canada , $2.25 per year. I n Englan d an d Colonies , 11 Shillings-2d } in France , 14 Francs ) whe n remitte d b y Internatio n al Postal mone y order, payabl e at Philadelphia. All othe r countries , $2.72 per year. Singl e copy , Price 25 cents . REMITTANCE S should be made by poit-office or ex-press money orders, bank check or draft, or registered letter. United States postage stamps are always received for cash. Money sent in letters is dangerous, and we are not responsible for its safe arrival. DISCONTINUANCES.—Owin g to th e educationa l characte r of TH E ETUD E a majorit y of its readers do no t wish t o mis s a n issue. Therefore , th e pub -lishers are pleased to exten d credit covering a Twelv e Months ' subscriptio n beyon d expiratio n of th e paid -up period. Thos e of our subscribers no t wishin g t o avail themselve s of thi s convenienc e of remittin g later will please sen d a notic e for discontinuance . PRESSER'S MUSICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHL Y JOURNA L FO R TH E MUSICIAN , TH E MUSI C STUDENT , AN D AL L MUSI C LOVERS . Edited by JAMES FRANCIS COOKE Vol . XXXVII I No . 11 NOVEMBE R 1920 Entered as second-class matter Jan. 16, 1884, at the P. O. at Philadelphia, Pa ., under the Ac t of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1920, by Theodore Presser Co. for U. S. A. and Great Britain RENEWAL.—N o receipt is sen t for renewals. O n th e wrapper of th e next issue sent yo u will be printe d th e dat e o n whic h your subscriptio n is paid up , whic h serves as a receipt for you r subscription . Liberal premiums and cash deductions are allowed for obtaining subscriptions. MANUSCRIPTS.—Manuscripts should be addressed to TH E ETUD E Write on one side of the sheet only. Con-tributions on music-teaching and music-study are solicited. Although every poosible care is taken the publishers are not responsible for manuscripts or photographs either while in their possession or in transit. Unavailable manuscripts will be returned. ADVERTISIN G RATE S will be sent on application. Advertisements must reach this office not later than the 1st of the month preceding date of issue to insure insertion in the following issue. THEODOR E PRESSE R CO. , Publishers, 1712 Chestnu t Street , Philadelphia , Pa. The World of Music Ricliard Strauss is payin g a visit t o South America , where large German inter-ests are making special propaganda for his works. He returns by way of Spain. A n Englis h pape r reports tha t Puccini' s next oper a is likely to have its scenes laid "in Old Virginny." Mr. Edwar d Bok , forme r edito r of th e Ladies' Hom e Journal , is revealed as the unnamed guarantor who for Ave years paid the deficit of the Philadelphia Orchestra, which amounted to from $50,000 to $60,000 a year. Sail Francisc o is to hav e its own. oper a company , with the famous conduc-tor, Giorgio Polacco, in charge. It is re-ported that $2,500,000 has been raised for the purpose. Lieutenan t Joh n Phili p Sousa cele -brate d his twenty-eight h anniver -sar y of the organization of his incompar-able band in September with a gala con-cert in the New York Hippodrome. Every part of the great building was packed to the doors with an immense audience on the stage. Sousa was repeatedly hailed with cheers from the wildly enthusiastic audience. His new marches, Who's Who in Navy Blue and Comrades of the Legion, made pro-nounced hits. They have all the character-istic Sousa dynamism. One of the most suc-cessful numbers of the program was the American Indian Rhapsody, by Preston Ware Orem, music critic of the Theo. Presser Co. Lieutenant Sousa has included this number on most of his programs for the past year. Fortun e Crallo's San Carlo Opera Compan y opened at the old Hammerstein Opera House in New York with Carmen this season with remarkable success. Alice Gen-tle was the Carmen. Caruso was in the audience. Jea n de Reszk e (who lost his only son during the war) has been made an officer of the Legion of Honor. Josef Hofman n ha s been playin g wit b grea t success in Londo n an d in th e Britis h musica l centers. He has not appeared in Great Britain in many years. Fra u C'osima Wagner , wido w of th e grea t composer , frequently reported dead during the war, is alive, but in such a weakened condition that she is said to be unable to conduct her affairs. It is reporte d tha t Charpentle r is coming to America this season to witness the performances of Farrar in Louise. Th e death of Etellca Gerster on August 20th has been announced. Gerster was born, in 1857 at Kaschau, Hungary. Her father was the owner of a factory. She went to study with Mathilde Graumann (Mme. Marchesi) at Vienna before the famous teacher had made her greatest successes in Paris as Mme. Marchesi. Yerdi heard Ger-ster in 1875 and secured for her a position at the opera in Venice. She appeared in America in 1875, 1883 and 1887. Returning to Germany she opened a school in Berlin in 1896. She was the greatest rival of Patti and her envy of the Spanish-Italian-American knew no bounds. Gerster was a real colora-tura soprano. ' Th e Swedish Chora l Club, of Chi-cago , with Gustav Holmquist, basso, and Edna Swanson van Haar, soprano, as soloist, has returned from a tour of Sweden, which • was apparently a triumphal march. The club was under the direction of Edgar Nelson and was backed by the President, Charles W. Peterson, of Chicago. D'Albert' s ne w oper a is calle d "Sirocco. " The premiere will take place in Hamburg. Francesc o Malipiero , bor n in Venic e and now a resident of Capri, Italy, won the $1,000 Coolidge prize this year for a string quartet. He has had an opera produced at the Paris Opera (Sette Canzoni). His sym-phonic jpoem, Le Pause del Silenzio, has been given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra three times. Englan d is no w celebratin g th e one .hundredt h anniversar y of the birth of one of the greatest of her musicians, Sir George Grove, born August 13, 1820, at Clapham, Surrey. Although he lived to be eighty years of age he was so industrious that it is said that he has done more than many allegedly busy men could do in 160 years. He was a distinguished engineer, a distinguished Bible student and the greatest musical lexicographer in the English lan-guage. In 1882 he became the director of the Royal College of Music in London. His greatest work is his famous Dictionary of Music and Musicians, in five volumes. This work took over ten years to prepare. An able linguist and a great scholar his vast fund or knowledge brought to music has enriched all musical literature. His kindli-ness and beautiful character are remembered by hundreds. Han s Sitt, th e famou s violinis t an d teacher , has just celebrated his seventieth birthday. Th e deat h is reporte d of th e re -nowne d German musical historian and writer, Dr. Karl Storck. He was born in 1873 and was a frequent contributor to many magazines. Naples is erectin g a monumen t to Leoncavallo . Naples was the birthplace of the composer. Patti's famou s castle , Craig-y-nos , i n Wales , is to be sold at auction by her husband, Baron Cederstrom. Zimbii list's comi c opera , "Honey -dew " is admittedly a Broadway success. The music is said to be very effective and melodious. A famil y i n England , a t whic h Mr. an d Mrs. Heathcote , of Wal t ha m Cross, are the progenitors, is so large that there are forty-five living descendants play-ing orchestral instruments and making a complete orchestra. Report s fro m Australi a indicat e tha t Benn o Moiseivitch, th e pianist , now touring that country has made a greater success there than anyone since Paderewski. His houses have been sold out everywhere. An educational conference with Mr. Moisei-vitch appeared in THE ETUDE last year. Kerekjart o (pronounced Kay-rek-yah-to), a Hungaria n violinis t an d pupi l of Hrubay, who has many European successes to his credit, is to tour America this season. Who will make a catalog of the scores of "violin wonders" coming to us? Th e Italia n Ly ric Federatio n (Alfredo Salamaggi, director) opened its Philadelphia season of grand opera at the Metropolitan Opera House in Aida with a crowded audi-torium, good artists and great enthusiasm. CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1920 PAGE World of Music 723 Editorial 725 From Liszt to Lescbetizky Eugenio di Pirani 727 The Unmusical Fugue.Edward Fletcher 728 Chart for Remaining Key Signatures Mrs. R, R. Form an 728 Learn to Avoid Making Commands Sylvia H. Bliss 728 Just a Suggestion C. A. Browne 728 Practical Exercises in Modern Phrasing Oscar Beringer 729 Tonal Perception T. L. Rickaby 730 Don't Be Fooled "by Applause Henry T. Finch 731 How Can I Study Instrumentation? Arthur Bird 732 Preparedness the Secret of Speed Otto Fisher 732 Getting Results Aurore La Croix 733 Lessons We Dread H. W. Reed 734 Early Hours for Practice. .A. Trinchieri 734 A 'Mere Thought Ward Avery 734 Passing on the Credit. C. Hilton-Turvey 734 Some Tricky Musical Signs J. R. Frampton 735 Five Black Ponies Daisy E. Faed 736 Planning Practice to Get Results Van Denman Thompsoii 736 Why are Sharps Harder than Flats Sidney Grew 737 Effective Finger Exercises Angela Becker 738 Fingers versus Brains E. M. Trevenen Dawson 738 k Always Something New.. T . L. Rickaby 738 Teachers' 'Round Table N. J. Corey 739 Characteristic Features of Melody Charles Johnstone 740 Keeping Your Mind on One Thing Mae Aileen Erb 740 The Power of Penciled Notes George Hahri 740 With Closed Eyes..... .Robert o Benini Learn How C. W. Fullwood Grieg's Bridal Procession Percy Grainger A Substantial beginning.,/. Linclermann Ringing the Changes.Katherine Morgan Music in Aboriginal Africa Voice Department Questions and Answers Arthur de Guichard Organ Department. Gordon Balch Nevin Testimonials Violin Department Robert Braine Junior Department. .Elizabeth A. Gest PAGE 740 "74 0 741 771 771 771 772 775, 776 779 780 784 MUSI C Norwegian Bridal Procession. ,E. Grieg 743 Coquette W. E. Haesche 746 Pretty Forget-Me-Nots. C. C. Crammond 747 Parade of the Amazons (Four Hands) C. S. Morrison 748 Giants (Four Hands) J. H. Rogers 750 Walter's Prize Song Wagner-Schutt 752 Pierrette E. A. Dicks 759 Cheerful (Moments J. I. Wray 760 Miniature March P. Brounoff 761 Merry Round H. Enckha"sen 762 A Cradle Croon L. Strickland 763 Madame Pompadour W. Aletter 764 Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary J. H. Rogers 764 Here Comes The Band W. Rolfe 765 Allegro Pomposo (Organ) J. L. Gaibraith 766 Believe Me if all Those Endearing Young Charms (Violin and Piano) Sterenson-Hartmann 767 It Was a Lover and His Lass (Vocal) E. S. Hosmer 768 Flowers and You (Vocal) .Victor Young 769 My Saviour Leads Me All the way (Vocal) J, T. Wohott 770 Th e Ear l of Shaftesbur y is sai d t o b e a remarkabl e tenor. He recently sang two solos at an important memorial service in England. It is said that he has been offered $150,000 for a tour in the United States. Charles L. Wagner , the Ne w Yor k manager , is reported to be anxious to bring German (Wagner) opera to life in New York again, and is quoted with saying that he is able to back the project himself. It woujd be a case of Wagner backing Wagner. Wag-ner opera has not been given in New York since 1917, save for a few performances of Parsifal and excerpts from other operas. Charles L Wagner has been the highly suc-cessful manager of McCormack, as well as the great Swiss pianist, Rudolf Ganz. He is*' now being sued for a large sum for an accounting by his former star, Mme. Amalita Galli-Curci. Ern o Dolinanyi , greates t of living; Hungaria n pianists , will tour America this season. Dohnanyi is a composer of im-mense ability and said to be one of the great-est Hungarian pianists since Liszt. Th e Kubeli k Twins , daughter s of th e famon s virtuoso , are also violinists. They will tour America shortly. Kubelik has eight children. His wife is of noble birth. Contemporar y critics describe d Ger-ster's voic e as flexible, clear, sweet, wit5i a wide range and wonderful purity. was very comely and very gracious. In 1877 she married Dr. Carlo Gardini, the impres-sario. She came to New v 0r k in 1915-1916 to teach at the Institute of Musical Art. Ann e Swinburne , wido w of th e lat e Rudolp h Schirmer, of New York, is to return to the stage in a revival of the Oscar Strauss Chocolate Soldier. She is a singer of great charm and finish, who has given excellent recitals in New York. Dail y paper s i n al l part s of th e United States have been successfully con-ducting music pages. The New York Globe, under the direction of Charles B. Isaacson, was one of the first to introduce this work. The Globe^ which has been especially suc-cessful, not merely in putting forth a very helpful page, but in conducting hundreds of free concerts in all parts of New York, is , now celebrating the fifth anniversary of this work which has brought music to thousands who might not otherwise have heard it. I t was Jeremy Bentham who decided a century ' ago that man's greatest privilege was to bring the greatest good to the greatest num-ber. Hearty Congratulations to you, Mr. Isaacson. Durin g th e wa r th e questio n of Kreisler' s appearance s in Americ a naturally agitated many. He then wisely * withdrew from public appearances because of the fact that he had been an officer in the Austrian army. Now the American Legion in certain parts of the country is endeavoring to prevent his appearances. Kreisler, according to most violinists of the present day, is their peer and many concede that he is the "king of string instrument players." He is a man of lovable traits, married to an American. In serving the country of his birth he has displayed only the same loyalty and patriotism to a pur-pose which we all admire in our own sol-., diers. No one can now minimize the disaster that Teutonic militarism brought upon the world. Kreisler, however, was caught in this, like a moth in a flame, and had no other personal course that he could feel was right at the outset of the war. Artists do not make war, nor do they want war. Is it altogether fair to penalize this very great artist, who was out of the war before Amer-ica ever entered it, who has shown his love and interest in things American and who has brought so much musical beauty to our land? 721
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