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Thirty-Second Annual Holiday Offer of Musical Gifts A CHRISTMA S POLIC Y O F TH E THEODOR E PRESSE R CO . THA T YEARL Y AID S THOS E DESIRIN G T O CHOOS E A GIF T FO R A TEACHER , STUDEN T O R LOVE R O F MUSIC . TH E BES T I N MUSICA L LITERATUR E AN D COLLECTION S AR E OFFERE D A T HOLIDA Y CAS H PRICE S THA T I N MOS T CASE S AR E FRO M TWENTY-FIV E PE R CEN T T O FIFT Y PE R CEN T LES S THA N TH E PUBLISHER' S PRICE , AND , I N ADDITION , TRANSPORTATIO N CHARGE S AR E PREPAID . TH E PRICE S GIVE N AR E FO R CAS H WIT H ORDER . THIS OFFER POSITIVELY EXPIRES JANUARY I, 1921. SEN D AL L ORDER S T O 11 THEODOR E PRESSE R CO . MAI L ORDE R MUSI C SUPPL Y HOUS E 1 7 10-1712-171 4 CHESTNU T STREE T PHILADELPHIA , PA . MUSICAL LITERATUR E Every real lover of music should be well acquainted with musical history, biographies of music composers and other interesting musical subjects t o be found in the works listed below. These works make excellent additions to a music lover's library. CLOTH BOUND, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. History of Music—Baltzell $1.35 Business Manual for Music Teachers —Bender Master Lessons in Pianoforte Play-ing—Bowman Pronouncing Dictionary of Musical Terms—Dr. Clarke Pocke t Pronouncing Dictionary (Paper)—Dr. Clarke Great Pianjsts on Piano Playing— Cooke One of the best literature works for the serious student or the ambitious pianist. Music Masters Old and New (Paper) —Cooke Standard History of Music—Cooke... Imaginary Biographical Letters from Great Composers—Cox & Chapin.. Celebrated Pianists of the Past and Present—Ehrlich Mistakes and Disputed Points in Music—Elson Reminiscences of a Musician's Vaca-tion Abroad (Paper)—Elson. Lessons in Musical History—Fillmore Pianoforte Music—Fillmore Piano Tuning, Regulating and Re-pairing—Fisher Gallery of Distinguished Musicians (Portrai t Biographies)—Garbett. (Paper, Art Bound) Gallery of Eminent Musicians (Por-trait Biographies)—Garbett. (Paper, Art Bound) . Gallery of Musical Celebrities (Por-trait Biographies)—Garbett. (Paper, Art Bound) Anecdotes of Great Musicians—Gates. In Praise of Music— Gates...... . Musical Mosaics—Gates. Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians; 5 volumes Diction for Singers and Composers— Ilawn Piano Playing with Piano Questions Answered—Ilofmann A veritable mine of pianistic infor-mation. Old Fogy, His Musical Opinions and Grotesques—Huneker Richard Wagner, His Life and Works—Jullien . Observations of a Musician, The Art Melodious—Lombard How to Understand Music—Mathews; 2 volumes, each The Masters and Their Music—• Mathews Music; Its Ideals and Methods— Mathews Music and Culture—Merz Musical Essays in Art, Culture and Education . Cloth and Boards Descriptive Analyses of Piano Works —Perry A poetic, dramatic and historical analysis or description of the best-known piano compositions. Stories of Standard Teaching Pieces —*Perry The touch of romance, anecdote *and educational information of this book aids in giving an intelligent understanding of many well-known and standard compositions. Ideal for students, teachers and concert-goers. Musical Sketches—Polko Musical Dictionary and Pronouncing Guide—Redman The Embellishments of Music—Rus-sell The Pedals of the Pianoforte— Schmitt How to Teach, How to Study—Sefton Life Stories of Great Composers Streatfield Chats With Music Students—Tapper. The Education of the Music Teacher —Tapper The Music Life and How to Succeed In It—Tapper Indian Music Lecture—Troyer. (Paper, Art Bound.) Weil-Known Piano Solos and How to Play Them—Wilkinson ......... . Bi ographical Dictionary—Baker..... Piano Mastery. Vols I II—Brower. Each 3.00 .85 .85 .85 .20 1.50 .75 1.00 1.00 1.70 1.00 .60 1.20 1.35 1.35 50 .50 .50 1.35 .85 1.35 17.00 1.20 1.35 .85 1.50 1.00 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.50 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.00 .40 .85 1.35 1.20 1.20 1.20 .30 1.35 5.00 Pianoforte Playing—Christiani ..... . 3.00 How to Study Kreutzer—Cutter 1.00 Harmonic Analysis—Cutter 1.35 American Composers—Elson 6.00 Great Composers—Elson 2.00 Music Club Programs—Elson 1.75 Resonance in Singing and Speaking —Fillebrown 1.35 The Great in Music. First Year 1.35 The Great in Music. Second Year... 1.35 Biography of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers—Hall 2.00 Outlines of Musical History—Hamil-ton 1.60 Piano Teaching — Principles and Problems—Hamilton 1.35 Music and Morals—Iiaweis.. 2.00 How Music Developed—Henderson. . 1.75 Half-Hour Lessons—Kotzschmar ... . 1.25 How to Listen to Music—Krehbiel... 1.75 American Composers—Lahee 3.00 Famous Singers—Lahee 2.00 Grand Opera Singers—Lahee 2.50 Story of Music and Musicians— Lillie 90 Critical and Historical Essays—Mac-Dowell 1.50 Violin Mastery—Martens 2.50 Opera Stories—Mason 1.00 Act of Touch—Matthay 2.25 Complete Opera Book—Noblee. .... . 5.00 Primer of Organ Registration— Nevin 1.35 Philosophy of Singing—Rogers „ 1.90 Stories of Great Musicians—Scobey and Home .60 Psychology of Musical Talent—Sea-shore 3.00 How to Think Music—Seymour .75 Lost Vocal Art—Shaw i 2.00 Ethics and Esthetics of Piano Play-ing— Sternb erg . . . 1.25 Tempo Rubato—Sternberg 2.25 Mastery of the Bow—Stoeving 1.58 Music Supervisor—Tapper 1.25 Standard Operas—Upton 2.60 Dictionary of Organ Stops—Wedge-wood 2.75 Ears—Brains—Fingers—Wells 1.15 School Orchestras and Bands—Wood. 1.80 FICTION—MUSICAL NOVELS. actionGoTo:3,AlcestisactionGoTo:3, .actionGoTo:3, .85 The First Violin—Fothergill 70 COLLECTIONS OF MUSIC An album of music is always acceptable, and the compilations for various classifications listed below are the best to b e obtained at their respective prices. The Special Holiday Cash Prices make them even more attractive, and also enables one to secure a gif t for a music lover at a nominal price. FOR THE PIANIST. Advanced Study Pieces American Composers' Album for the Pianoforte * •. • • Album of Descriptive Pieces Album of Favorite Pieces by Bach. . Selections from Piano Works by Beethoven Favorite Compositions by Carl Bohm Celebrated Compositions by Famous Composers . .. Album of Selected Compositions by Chopin 1.00 Lighter Compositions by Chopin Etudes—Op. 10 and 25—Chopin. ..... Polonaises—Chopin ............... . Preludes—Chopin ..«.„,.. Nocturnes—Chopin Waltzes—Chopin Compositions for the Pianoforte by Woman Composers Famous Compositions by Chaminade. Concert Album, Volume I, Classical. . Concert Album, Volume II, Popular.. Album of Favorite Compositions by Engelmann Easy Engelmann Album First Dance Album First Parlor Pieces. First Recital Pieces First Sonatinas Favorite Compositions by Godard.. . Album of Miscellaneous Compositions by Grieg Album of Selected Compositions by Gurlitt Handel Album Haydn's Sonatas; 2 volumes, each... Album of Pianoforte Pieces—Heins. Hungarian Melodies—Hartmann Playable versions of 51 old folk melodies. Mississippi River Scenes—Kern Attractive characteristic pieces. Grade 4. Left-Hand Recreation Album Liszt Album Consolations and Love Dreams by Liszt Concert Album—Liszt Album of Wagner Opera Transcrip-tions by Liszt Little Home Player .50 .65 .65 .40 .50 .38 .50 65 .75 .63 .50 .63 .50 .50 .50 .65 ,65 .50 .40 .40 .40 .50 .40 .50 .65 .50 .40 .63 .38 .65 .65 .40 .65 SUITABL E FO R GIFTS T O TH E CHIL D MUSIC STUDEN T Games and Puzzles for the Musical— Bloomfield Music Playlets for Young People— Cooke Imaginary Biographical Letters from Great Masters—Cox & Chapin Petite Library, Life and works of Great Masters—Franc's. (Beethoven, Chopin, Handel, Haydn, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Wagner and Weber.) The Set, complete in 9 volumes, boxed. The Same, separate volumes This set consists of miniature vol-umes of extremely well written and pleasing biographies. Child's Own Book of Great Musi-cians—Tapper. (Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Handel, Haydn, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Liszt, Verdi and Wagner.) Each Biography a separate booklet ; each Fascinating and very appealing to the juvenile. By doing a little pasting and binding, the child practically makes the book. First Studies in Music Biography— Tapper Music Talks With Children—Tapper Pictures from the Lives of Great Composers—Tapper Children's Rhymes from A to Z — Greenwald Little Piano Numbers. One titled for each letter of the alphabet. Children's Songs and Games—Green-uald Juvenile Play Songs—Greenwald. ... . Melodies of the "P&st-^Greenwald. . . . Familiar themes with easy varia-tions. .40 .40 1.00 1.70 .20 .12 1.20 1.00 1.00 .50 .40 .40 .40 What They Do in Wondertown— Alden A story, portrayed musically, of an imaginary trip through Wondertown. Merry Rhymes for Childhood Times —Bugbee Musical Thoughts for Little Tots— Bugbee Each of the above two books b y Bugbee are interesting little volumes of piano pieces for children to play or sing. New Rhymes and Tunes for Little Pianists—Cramm Pleasant Pastimes for Young Play ers—Cramm Sunny Day Songs—Cramm The three works above by Cramm are successful little volumes for young pianists. Old Rhymes with New Tunes Hamer Musical Picture Book—Hudson.... Musical Poems for the Children-Hudson Songs and Dances from Foreign Lands—Paloverde Toy Shop Sketches—Rogers Tone Stories for Boys and Girls— Rowe Pictures from Fairyland—Slater... Pictures from Holidayland—Slater. Pictures from Storyland—Slater... Rhyming Tunes for Little Players-Smith Birthday Jewels—Spaulding ....... Souvenirs of the Masters—Spaulding Tunes and Rhymes—Spaulding. .. Little pieces that may be either sung or played, or both together. Well-Known Fables Set to Music— Spaulding .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .30 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .50 .50 .50 .40 .40 .50 .40 .40 Master Pieces; from Great Composers. Standard Concert Etudes; Difficult Piano Solos Mendelssohn Songs Without Words. Modern Dance Album Modern Drawing Room Pieces Favorite Compositions by Moskowski Mozart's Sonatas: I mplete Favorite Compositions by Mozart.. . New and Modern Sonatinas Parlor and School Marches Piano Player's Repertoire Popular Parlor Album Popular Home Collection: jti Pieces. Popular Recital Repertoire Salon Album School and Home Marches Sonata Album; 2 volumes, each Sonatina Album K Album for the Pianoforte by Spaul-^ ding Standard Advanced Album Standard American Album Standard Brilliant Album . p Standard Elementary Album Standard First Pieces: Bm§ N * Ations Standard Opera Album Standard Parlor Album Standard Students' Classic Album Sunday Piano Music Tranquil Hours Treble Clef Album. Very First Pieces Paul Wachs' Album Young Players' Album : Young Virtuoso FOUR HANDS. Hungarian Dances. \ 1 Childhood Days. (Teach«r Concert Duets .. . Duet Hour (Ea Engelmann Four-Hand Album Four-Hand Exhibition Piece s Four-Hand Miscellany Four-Hand Parlor Pie > s Home Pleasures—GatnpchaU Italian Overtures Juvenile Duet Players March Album Music Lovers' Duet Book Operatic Four-Hand Album Just W e Two. Vt ry Bety. Spml-Nursery Tales Retold -You and I. V Stmmld*mf. Standard Duet Players' Aibv a Standard Overture Album Two Pianists. <i Two Students, G , Very First Duet Book Musical Zoo. Teach - j»il Young Duet Players FOR THE SINGER Artistic Vocal Album for High Voice Artistic Vocal Album for Low Totea. Celebrated Recital Song* His^JLttm. Church and Home Collection of Sacred Songs B -Church and Home Co 11 e: t: o - o ( Sacred Songs (Lo i Indian Songs L Songs of the North Americas —Lieurance ...... . Sacred Duets: Ft Singer's Repertoire: > .« • <-Medium Voict ... Standard Song Treasury• || Songe... Standard Vocalist: Studio Song Album FOR THE VIOLINIST Operatic Selections—Fmmklim.. . Selected Classics—Franitih Society Dance Journal Standard Violinist: . Student's Popular Album Violinist's Popular Repertoire: . ' Pieces FOR THE ORGANIST American Organist: < ' h Bo -The Organ Player: cloth Bound Organ Repertoire: < loth Bound Organ Melodies: PI The Standard Organist: |f Piece* The New Organist: * l-th Bemud Choir and Chorus Conducting— Wodell .75 .90 .88 .40 .65 .38 1.50 .50 .63 .50 .40 .40 .40 .40 .38 .40 1.00 .75 .50 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .50 .65 .40 .40 . M 40 .49 ( 6 .40 10 75 .40 iS 40 40 40 40 45 40 4 0 «5 40 40 40 <5 1 00 .50 .75 .75 .65 .40 .40 .40 .50 .45 .45 .40 .40 .45 .40 1.20 1.20 1.20 .90 .40 1.20 1.35 Music Rolls and Satchels, Musical Calendars, Musical Pictures, Placques, Musical Games and other Gift Suggestions for Music Lovers; also Descriptions of the Most Popular of the Above Works may be found on other pages.
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