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^ . . • . , J. " mm - $ Subscriptio n Price, $2.00 per year in Unite d States , Alaska , Cuba , Port o Rico , Mexico , Hawaii , Philippines , Panama , Guam , Tutuila , an d th e Cit y of Shanghai . In Canada , $2.25 per year . In Englan d an d Colonies , 11 Shillings-2d j in France , 14 Francs i whe n remitte d by Internationa l Postal mone y order, payabl e at Philadelphia. All othe r countries ; $2.72 per year . Singl e copy , Price 25 cents . REMITTANCE S should be made by post-office or ex-press money orders, bank check or draft, or registered letter. United States postage stamps are always received for cash. Money sent in letters is dangerous, and we are not responsible for its safe arrival. DISCONTINUANCES.—Owin g to th e educationa l characte r of TH E ETUD E a majorit y of its readers do no t wish to mis s a n issue. Therefore , th e pub -lishers are pleased to exten d credit covering a Twelv e Months ' subscriptio n beyon d expiratio n of th e paid -up period . Thos e of our subscriber s no t wishin g to avail themselve s of thi s convenienc e of remittin g later will please send a notic e for discontinuance . PRESSER'S MUSICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHL Y JOURNA L FO R TH E MUSICIAN , TH E MUSI C STUDENT , AN D AL L MUSI C LOVERS . Edited by JAMES FRANCIS COOKE Vol . XXXVII I No . 10 OCTOBE R 1920 Entered as second-class matter Jan. 16, 1884, at the P . O. at Philadelphia, Pa under the Ac t of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1920, by Theodore Presser Co . forU . S. A . and Great Britain RENEWAL.—N o receipt is sen t for renewals . O n th e wrapper of th e next issue sen t yo u will be printe d th e dat e o n whic h you r subscriptio n is pai d up , whic h serves as a receipt for you r subscription . Liberal premiums and cash deductions are allowed for" . obtaining subscriptions. MANUSCRIPTS.—Manuscript s should be addresse^.to • TH E ETUDE . Write on one side of the sheet only. Con-tributions on music-teacbing and music-study are solicited^ Although every pOosible care is taken the publishers are fact responsible for manuscripts or photographs either while -in their possession or in transit. Unavailable manuscripts, will be returned. ADVERTISIN G RATE S will be sent on application. Advertisements must reach this office not later than the 1st of the month preceding date of issue to insure insertion in the following issue. THEODOR E PRESSE R CO. , Publishers , 1712 Chestnu t Street , PhiIadelphU,Pa . The World of Music Th e "L a Scal a Orchestra, " compose d of ninety-seven of the best virtuosi of Italy, and under the leadership of Arturo Toscanini, will sail from Naples on December 8th to tour America during the coming winter. A $75,00 0 buildin g fo r th e Departmen t of Music of the University of Oregon is to be built. Edwar d Johnson, tenor of the Chicago Opera Company, has been presented with the cross of Officer of the Crown of Italy. King Victor Emmanuel conferred this decoration in recognition of Mr. Johnson having created leading tenor roles in operas of Puccini, Montemezzi and other Italian composers, while singing in Italy under the name of Edoardo di Giovanni. Leoncavallo, composer of the ever-de-lightful Pagliacci and Zaza is to be honored with a great monument at Naples, to be built by public subscription. Cecil Fanning , according to the London Times, has made the greatest success of American singers there this summer. Anna Pavlow a will bring her Ballet Russe with Symphony Orchestra to New York in September, to begin her American tour at the Manhattan Opera House. Mme . Emm a Calve , wh o ha s sun g Carmen almost fourteen hundred times, thus exceeding the record of any other singer, will retire from public work after a tour of the British Provinces where she hitherto has not been heard. Th e Hande l Festiva l a t th e Crysta l Palace, London, was resumed this June after having been discontinued during the war. A chorus of 2,500 voices, orchestra of 500, with the great Crystal Palace organ, are reported to have furnished inspiring pro-grams under the direction of Sir Frederick Cowen. Messiah, Judas Maccabeus and Israel in Egypt were the chief works given. A Rea l Wes t t o Eas t Movement , char -acterized good-naturedly as an "American Invasion," is reported from England. With the New York Symphony Orchestra under Walter Damrosch, a real crowd of soloists and a promised visit of the Metropolitan Opera Company, it would seem that the former movement of musical culture is to be reversed. $175,000, required as a guarantee fund for the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, has been mostly subscribed. Congregationa l Singin g i n th e Catholi c Churc h i s t o b e restore d t o it s ancient place in the services by a movement to foster the singing of the Gregorian Chants by the occupants of the pews. Th e Centenary of Henri Vieuxtemps was celebrated at his birthplace, Verviers, Belgium, by a week of concerts in which bis works had a prominent place and were in-terpreted by Jacques Thibaud, Cesar Thom-son, Mischa Elman and Eugène Ysaye. King Albert and the queen presided at the meet-ings. Mme. Emm a Albani, at one time second only to Patti as a favorite in American and English opera houses, and a special favorite of the late Queen Victoria, is included in the latest list of English civil pensions, receiving an annuity of £100. Fame and fortune are fickle jades. Lorenzo Perosi, the Italian composer, and Mgr. Antonio Hella, for twenty years director in the Sistine Chapel, are announced to lead the next American tour of the Vati-can Choirs. Londo n i s stirre d o n th e questio n o f welcoming a "German invasion" in the form of a symphony orchestra under the direction of Arthur Nikisch. Nikisch was for a num-ber of years the popular conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and later was a great favorite as a conductor in London. Th e Walnu t Stree t Theater , buil t i n 1804, in which Jenny Lind made her Phila-delphia, debut in 1850, and the oldest theater in continuous use in America, is having its interior thoroughly remodelled and redec-orated. Percy Grainger, the Australian pianist and composer, who has done so much to revive interest in the folk songs of Ireland, will spend the summer of 1921 in Denmark collecting and studying the folk music of that country. Th e Youn g Men' s Hebre w Associa -tion of New Yor k maintains a symphony orchestra, "To give the amateur as well as the advanced musician an opportunity to study and perform symphonies." Rehearsals are held once a week, membership is open to all races, no dues are charged, regular at-tendance and diligent study of the scores being the only requirements. Th e Ne w Yor k Gran d Oper a Com -pany will give a season at the Champs Elysées Theatre, Paris, in September and October, to be followed by another in the spring. Th e Chicag o Madriga l Clu b an -nounces the eighteenth annual competition for the W. W. Kimball prize of $100 for the best setting of the poem, "A Shepherd's Song." The composer must be a resident of the United States, the setting must be in madrigal form for mixed voices a capella, and the compositions must be sent to the director, D. A. Clippinger, Kimball Hall, Chi-cago, on or before October 1. PAGE World of Music 651 Editorial 653 Musical Soul of the American Indian Thurlow IAeurance 655 Keyboard Masters of Other Years Const antin von Sternberg 657 A Scavenger Helen L. Cram m 658 Language of Music Thomas Tapper 658 A Light Touch T. L. Rickaby 658 A Bunch of Keys AbMe Llewellyn Snoddy 658 The American Indian's Music Idealized Charles Wakefield Cad man 659 American Music Clubs.... ' 660 Places That Do Not Sound Right /•;. IT. Pierce 661 Shall I Take Up Music as a Profession? 662 Be Generous with Praise Arthur Schuckai 662 Impressions of Indian Music Arthur Nevin 663 Passing of Carlos Troyer 664 Interesting Facts About the Indians. . . 664 Modern Indian Musicians. 665 A Matter of Circulation . Francis Lincoln 666 Indian Music and Legend. Natalie Curtis 666 Concerning Contests May Hamilton Helm 666 Indian Music Publications 667 How Many Parts Are There? Chas. Jolinstone 668 Speed in Practice 66S Teachers' Round Table J. Y. Corey 669 Recent Indian Music. Frances Dens more 670 Remedv for Some Musicians' Nervous Troubles ..... . .Dr. L. K. Hirschberg 699 Give the Left Hand a Chance L. E. Eubanks 699 Voice Department . . . 700 Questions and Answers Arthur de Guichard 703 Lilli Lehmann has handed over all the letters she has received during her career as a soprano to the Prussian State Library of Berlin. She gave her Richard Wagner letters to the same institution some years ago. Henr y S. Fr y was elected president of the National Association of Organists, at their convention held in New York City in July. One of the outstanding features of the convention was the Philadelphia Day when two recitals were played composed en-tirely of compositions of the members of the American Organ Players' Club, of which Mr. Fry has for years been the treasurer. A Fre e Orchestr a Schoo l i s receivin g substantial encouragement from the music lovers of Kansas City, Missouri, with the organization of a municipal orchestra as its goal. One-fourth of the necessary endow-ment is already subscribed. Those who re-ceive instruction, according to the plans, are to maintain a high degree of scholarship, and, upon completion of a thorough course, are to play for a stated time in the Municipal Orchestra. G. Francesco Malipiero has been voted the winner of the $1,000 prize offered by Mrs. F. S. Coolidge, for the best string quar-tet submitted in the competition of 1920. Malipiero is one of the rising composers of Italy. A Ne w Symphon y Orchestr a fo r Bos -ton will begin rehearsals in Ocotober (sic), accord-ing to an announcement of Thomas Finigan, a director of the Boston Musicians' Protec-tive Association. It will be under the aus-pices of the Musicians' Mutual Relief Society. PAGE Organ Department 704 Your Own Catalog Grace White 707 Violin Department Robert Braine 708 Studying Scales Rena I. Carver 711 Musical Self Help Walter K. Krai 711 Children's Department.-E^aftefft A. Gest 712 Music in the College Louise Burton 717 Fixing a Piece. .Wallace Ziegler Manney 718 No Pieces Beatrice 8. Krejci 720 Two Lessons Daisy E. Faed 720 fausic March of the Indian Phantoms E. R. Krocger 671 Gipsies • E. Poldini 672 Indian Love Song Charles Wakefield Cadman 673 Dance of the Toys Leonore Lieth 674 A Lonely Gipsy Girl W. Rolfe 675 Peasant Girl W. Rolfe 675 Sioux Scalp Dance (Four Hands) Lieurance-Orem 676 Rose Petals (Four Hands) . . .P. Law son 678 Whispers of Love A. L. Scarmolin 680 In Colonial Days J. L. Gatbraith 6$1 A Winter Frolic . . R. R. Form an 682 The Ambitious Pianist. .. . .L. Spaulding 687 Curious Story R. Schumann 688 Happy Enough R. Schumann 688 Mazovia ! Theodore Lack 689 Moonlight (Pipe Organ)../. F. Frysinger 690 Scherzo in B Flat... , F. xctiubprt 691 Afternoon in the Villa (Violin and Piano) .Chapman Tyler 693 A Mountain Madrigal (Vocal) Thurlow IAeurance 694 Invocation to the Sun God (Vocal) Carlo8 Troyer 695 By the Waters of Minnetonka (Vocal) Thurlow Lieurance 696 Fair Warning (Vocal) . .Jessie L. Pease 698 Professo r Walte r Henr y Hall' s grea t Summer Festival of Concerts at Columbia University in New York City proved a huge success. Thousands attended during the season. Home r A . Norris , on e o f th e ables t o f the American composers of his time, died August 14th from injuries received from being knocked down by a taxicab last June. Mr. Norris was for years organist of George's Church, Stuyvesant Square, New York, of which the late J. P. Morgan was senior warden. Mr. Morgan was a warm ad-mirer of Mr. Norris and, in appreciation of the organist's labors in behalf of the church, presented him with a country estate said to have been valued at $80,000, at Greenwood Lake, N. J. Mr. Norris was born at Wayne. Me., October 4, 1860. He was a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music and a pupil of Guilmant in Paris. Among his best-known works are the oratorio Nain, the songs Three Roses Red; There, Little Girl, Don't Cry; Deep in a Rose, and the two well-known harmony books, Practical Harmony and Practical Harmony on a French Basis and The Art of Counterpoint. Dr . Eugen e E . Ayres , a distinguishe d Greek scholar and teacher, who was also an able musician, died August 5, 1920. In fact, in his early years most of his professional work was devoted to music. When twenty years old he wrote a book on Counterpoint and Canon. At one time he was offered the presidency of the New England Conservatory. This he abandoned for his theological work. For the past seventeen years he held the chair of New Testament Greek at the Crozier (Baptist) Theological Seminary at Chester, Pa. T. Carl Whitme r is to "teach the young idea how to scribble modern discords" at the newly organized Conservatory of Music in Pittsburgh. Joseph Bonnet, the eminent French organist of the Church of St. Eustache of Paris, will return to America for a tour of concerts in the United States and Canada. A theater , a children' s theate r an d a musi c auditoriu m i n on e buildin g is planned for Washington, by the "Founders' Association," an organization of successful business and professional women of the cap-ital city. It is a part of a plan to make Washington the art and music center of the United States. Charle s Wakefiel d Cadma n is writin g the musical setting for the film, "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam." Max Bruch, the eminent German com-poser, is reported to be near death in Ber-lin. The privations of the war are known to have affected his health very seriously. He is now eighty-two years old. Th e Carnegie Trust in Englan d is about to prepare for the publication of a large quantity of Tudor music recently un-earthed by British scholars. This music dates from the time of Henry VII, when music in England reached high creative values. Edmonston e Duncan , a well-know n English writer upon musical subjects, died on June 28th. Russell Carter, one of the most able of all American supervisors of school music, has been chosen as the head of the musical section of the State Educational Department, in New York State (University of the State of New York). Mr. Carter will have the su-pervision of a far-reaching system and is in position to do great good in forming a fair and just policy toward the much-discussed subject of school credits. Galli-Curci, on her recent return from Europe, announced her intention to become, an American citizen as quickly as possible. -1651 . ' . . .. ^ v CONTENTS FOR OCTOBER, 1920
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