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Page 712 - OCTOBER 1920 THE ETUDE A Guide for Teachers Practical Hints on Material That Aids in Making Teaching Success Start the Child Beginner With BEGINNER'S BOOK—School of the Pianoforte—Vol. 1 B y THEODOR E PRESSE R PRICE, $1.0 0 This is a genuine "first reader" for the piano. It is without doubt the most extensively used elementary piano instruction book and covers in a most pleasing and thorough manner the first grade of study up to, but not including, the scales. Large notes are used and the grading is so gradual that the pupil advances without discouraging difficulties being intro-duced at the wrong time. Little pieces and duets included in the work serve to entertain as well as reward the child for progress. First Study Can Be Pleasingly Varied With FIRST GRADE STUDIES for the PIANOFORTE B y L. A . BUGBE E PRICE, $1.0 0 This set of studies is unusually popular and has on its own merits attained success. All the exercises are original and are practically melodious pieces with teaching points. Some have accompanying text. These studies may be taken up after the first few rudimentary lessons. GENERAL STUDY BOOK B y MATHILD E BILBR O PRICE, 7 5 Cents A very interesting collection of material for elementary students. Little solo and duet pieces serve to teach many important things to the young pianist. MUSICAL PICTURE BOOK B y OCTAVI A HUDSO N PRICE, 7 5 Cent® As soon as the elements of notation have been learned this' set of pieces, printed in special •large notes, will be found very helpful. They are short, tuneful and have accompanying text. VERY FIRST DUET BOOK PRICE, 7 5 Cents These are not teacher and student duets, but are for two students in the elementary stages. Each number is . a gem and many teachers have proclaimed this a long-needed volume. Works for Continued Progress in First Grade STANDARD GRADED COURSE of STUDIES—Grade 1 B y W . S. B. MATHEW S PRICE, $1.0 0 This "original" graded course has been the "backbone" of thousands of music teachers' curriculums and, although it is well to start the child student with an elementary instructor before taking up these more serious studies, the first grade of these studies may be used to start the older pupils. The material has been selected from the best composers and the pupil completing the first volume has been introduced to scale and chord study. STUDENT'S BOOK—School of the Pianoforte—Vol. 2 B y THEO . PRESSE R PRICE, $1.0 0 For the child this is the logical sequel to the "Beginner's Book." It takes up the subject just' where the "Beginner's Book" stops and progresses through various phases of technic to a complete treatment of the scales up to and including four sharps and four flats. Pieces in Sheet Form for the First Grade VER Y EAS Y Cat. No. Price 9629 Dance of the Fairy Queen Bugbee $0.30 16379 Dreaming Poppies. Spaulding .30 7664 Turtle Doves Engelmann .30 16415 Beginning to Play Rolfe .30 6482 Airy Fairies Spaulding .30 7271 I Begin. Willy .30 Cat No. 663 4 1657 S 2262 1116 5 1645 2 1633 S EAS Y Price Fife and Drum Brigade Spaulding $0.30 Cradle Croon Strickland ' .30 Four Leaf Clover Waltz Engelmann .30 Come and Play Sewall .30 Haymaking Slater .30 The Big Bass Singer.. Rolfe .30 The Second Grade of Study STANDARD GRADED COURSE of STUDIES-Grade 2 B y W . S. B . MATHEW S PRICE, $1.0 0 At this stage of study the pupil begins to move more freely and easily about the keyboard, and accordingly the material in "Mathews Second Grade" takes a finer range. The studies are well selected and each is included for a purpose. Many suggestions are given as the work progresses. Second Grade Piano Collections STANDARD GRADED COMPOSITIONS-Grade 2 Compiled by W . S . B . MATHEW S PRICE, 7 5 Cents The various pieces in this album have been selected for their educational value as well as for their tunefulness and other attractive musical qualities. The pieces are in all styles and altogether the collection furnishes valuable second grade teaching material that can be readily used in conjunction with the Standard Graded Course. YOUNG PLAYERS' ALBUM PRICE, 75 Cents Seventy numbers for the pianoforte. They are printed from special large plates and there-fore it was possible to include so many. This is one of v the best obtainable compilations of easy piano pieces for teaching or diversion. SOUVENIRS of the MASTERS B y GEO . L. SPAULDIN G PRICE, $1.0 0 Famous melodies are here reproduced in a simplified form. Altogether there are twenty-seven numbers, each giving a well-known melody by some great classic or modern writer, preceded by original introductory material by Geo. L. Spaulding. Verse ad lib. adds to the pieces. Pieces in Sheet Form for the Second Grade Cat. No. 418 5 1629 4 1611 2 777 9 1291 6 Price Cat No. Flying Sparks Engel $0.30 7235 At the Dancing School 3170 Anthony .30 16653 A Dance in the Village.Kern .30 7687 June Morning Forman .30 The Soldier's Song 14123 Steinheimer .30 16054 Price Rose Petals Lawson $0.30 Playing Tag Margstein .30 Little Indian Chief. Strickland .30 Waltz of the Flower Fairies Crosby .40 Narcissus Slater .30 At the Fair Ward .30 The Third Grade of Study STANDARD GRADED COURSE of STUDIES—Grade 3 B y W . S . B . MATHEW S PRICE, $1.0 0 In the third grade the pupil is ready for something a little more pretentious, and the selection of studies in this grade of Mathews well covers the ground. These studies are at once melodious, musical and pianistic. Third Grade Collections for the Piano Standard Graded Compositions, Grade 3 $0.7 5 Popular Home Collection 75 Standard Student's Classic Album 75 Popular Parlor Album $0.75 First Studies in the Classics 75 Album of Favorite Compositions by H Engelmann 75 Pieces in Sheet Form for the Third Grade Cat. No. Price 8952 No Surrender March.Morrison $0.40 11063 Queen of the Elves.Loeb-Evans' .50 6738 June Roses Spaulding .30 8491 Sweet Lavender. . ..Galbraith .50 7101 Iris Renard .50 Cat No. Price 16557 Dance of the Chimes. Felton $0.30 16850 Sea Foam, Scherzo. .Preston .50 16861 America Victorious.Strickland .30 8899 Twilight Song Shackley .50 4050 _Matushka , „ Ergel .30 AN Y O F THI S MATERIA L MA Y B E Tfj r Uf\O A ¥ 17 " D I A 1VT HA D FO R EXAMINATIO N THROUG H I JLIHI LJiN OAJLtli A LAIN Enjoy the convenience of this plan. Teachers may select numbers from any of our lists and catalog3 or we will cheerfully make up packages covering desired grades. Numbers not used are returnable-Works Covering in Detail Various Phases of Study in a Number of Grades NOTATION Spelling Lessons in Time and Notation By MATHILDE BILBRO Price, 50 cents An excellent work that teaches notation through the spelling of words. Various time signatures and note values are also covered. SCALES Mastering the Fcales and Arpeggios By JAMES FRANCIS COOKE Price, $1.50 A complete and exhaustive treatment that enables the teacher to start scale study with very young pupils and carry it on to the highest degree of proficiency with advanced pupils. Touch and Technic Part II—The Scales By DR. WM. MASON Price, $1.00 Touch and Technic is one of the most re-markable works for piano. There are four parts, and every teacher should know this complete system of technic. In Part II the scales are rhythmically treated. OCTAVES First Studies in Octave Playing By THEO. PRESSER Price, 80 cents Short studies that can be taken up by pupils in the second and third grade. Octave Velocity By JAS. H. ROGERS Price, $1.00 Short, interesting studies covering all forms of octave work. Ranges about grades 4 to 6. Octaves and Chords—New Gradus, Part 6 By I. PHILIPP Price, $1 00 An exhaustive treatment arranged in a logical and progressive order by a master of piano technic. TRILLS Daily Trill Studies By JAMES H. ROGERS Price, $1.25 Any student of intermediate grade having satisfactorily completed this work should possess a clear, well-rounded trill. The Trill—New Gradus, Part 7 By I. PHILIPP Price, $1.00 A compilation of original and selected studies for the development of the trill. PEDALS Pedal Book By DR. J. M. BLOSE Price, $1.00 A systematic study system for the proper use of the pedal. Can be used in the second year of study. TIME DIFFICULTIES Playing Two Notes Against Three By C. W. LANDON Price, 80 cents A practical solution of an oft-met rhythmic problem. Exercises in Time and Rhythm By E. A. HEPLER Price, 60 cents These exercises include almost every possi-ble problem in rhythm. Rhythm and Technic By M. G R EENWALD Pr ice, $1.25 A valuable set of studies (grades 2-3), covering many special features, such as triplets, double notes, staccato, syncopa-tion, etc. Studies in Syncopation By A. SARTORIO Price, $1.25 An excellent set of studies for • pupils in grades 3 and 4. THEO . PRESSE R CO . : : •"SSJKKRiS^S ^ : : PHILADELPHIA , PA .
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