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TH E ETUD E 3 3 SUBSCRIPTION FREE TO TEACHERS. XTbe Witmark nfoontbl^. An illustrated paper devoted to buyers and sellers of music, teachers, theatrical folks, bands, and orchestras. BRIGHT, NEWSY , AND IN TOUCH. In making application please state permanent address for one year. Try the " CRE&T " high-grade music paper (none genuine without water-mark) and you will accept no other. Endorsed and used by leading musicians. Send stamp for sample sheet. Being aware that teachers are more or less organizers of local amateur associations, we have compiled a special little pamphlet for that purpose, entitled, " Are You Interested in Amateur Affairs ? '' This little pamphlet takes in every branch from Minstrels to Grand Opera, with sample programmes of various kinds, and are sent Free on application. JUST PUBLISHED FOR PIANO. Second Polonaise in E Minor. By J. A. Silberberg $0 60 Featured at Manhattan Beach by Herbert's Twenty-second Regiment Band. Very showy for Concert Pianists or Teachers. " The Rough Riders." Scene Equestrienne. By Chas. M. Connelly 50 A vividly descriptive number, the best since Warrens' famous " Tarn O'Shanter." "Lurline. " Dance Romantique. By John W. Bratton 50 Charmingly graceful—for advanced pupils. 44 La Gazelle." Dance Characteristic. ByTheo. Bendix 50 Enjoying fine success. "America n Citizen Waltzes. " Frank M. Witmark 50 By the composer of " Zenda," " La Carmela," and " Cyrano " Waltzes. " In Venice." Italian Serenade. Paul Rubens, 50 Neapolitan in style. 44 Awakening of Venus. " By W. C. O'Hare... 50 A graceful valse lente on the order of " Love's Dream After the Ball." 44 L'Voodoo." Dance Creole. By W. T. Francis, 50 A most brilliant solo. Requires quite an exponent to give this number the proper showing. By the composer of the famous 44 Cactus." GREAT SUCCESS OF Victor Herbert's and Harry B. Smith's Comic Opera "TH E FORTUNE TELLER." As played by the ALICE NIELSEN OPERA CO., at Wal-lack's Theatre, N. Y., to the capacity of the house almost every performance. "'The Fortune Teller' is an unquestioned success."—JAMES HUNE-KER in the Musical Courier. Vocal Score (complete) $2 00 (First edition disposed of before day of publication. Second edition now ready.) Vocal Gems $0 50 Libretto 25 Selections for Piano 75 Waltzes 75 Lanciers $0 50 March 50 Schottische .. 50 Selections, Vocal and Instrumental, published separately. PIANO COLLECTION FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. (In Boo k For m Only.) 44 Mythological Fancies." By William Loraine, $1 00 A suite of four dances. No. 1. " Diana," No. 2. " Venus," 44 Wild Flowers." Chas. Bendix 1 00 A book of dainty solos. No. 1. "Arbutus," No. 3. "Primrose," No. 2. " Clematis," No. 4. " Columbine." 44Little Inspirations." In Press. J. A. Silberberg, 1 00 No. 3. "Apollo," No. 4. "Undine." FOR YOUTHFUL PLAYERS. 44 Musical High Tea. " By Eduard Hoist 50 A popular book containing six pretty sketches. 44 Sunny Days. " By Ednard Hoist 50 A charming set; brimful of novel surprises. W e are more than anxious to interest teachers in our vari-ous departments, but only bona fide teachers will receive the inducements. It is a well-known fact that there are any num-ber of imposters who receive benefits intended for teachers, and think because they present a card that same should be accepted as indisputable proof. W e wish to discriminate against them, and will appreciate any support in the matter. W e must see credentials, such as circulars, programmes, etc., before we will treat with any one on a teacher's basis,—we prefer, however, an endorsement from local dealers. All real teachers (who will receive liberal discounts) will welcome our crusade against those not en-titled to the usual courtesies. New and complete catalogue of the Witmark Popular Publications just completed, and will be sent on request. JK. WlTlWAf^ 8t SOJiS, 8 West 29t h Street, fiem Yo*k City. Proprietors Witmark Music Library. » Best Seeds that Grow! Thousands of Dollars in CASH PRIZES for 1899 and many other New Features, of particular interest, presented in URPEE'S Farm Annual Leading American Seed Catalogue Mailed FREE to all. A handsome new book of 176 pages,—tells the plain truth about Seeds, including rare Novelties which cannot be had elsewhere. Beautiful colored plates and hundreds of illus-trations from nature. Gives practical informa-tion of real value to all who would raise the choicest Vegetables and most beautiful Flowers. Write a postal card TO=DAY ! W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO., Philadelphia B The Choral Class Book B Uext^HBoof e fo r Singin g Schools , Colleges , Tfnstitutes , publi c Scbools , ETC. , ETC . ... BY ... L. S. LEAS0N and H. H. McGRANAHAN. Complete , i n Boaf d Covers , 7 5 Cents . 19 4 Pages , Ltatfcje Octavo . A complete course in chorus singing from the very beginning to the most advanced concert work. Contain-ing an abundance of material for every purpose,—church and concert, solos and quartets, anthems, patriotic songs, etc., etc., and a selection of choruses from the best works of the great masters. A great advantage this work has in addition to the large volume and variety of material is the separation into three parts: Elementary, Intermediate, and Chorus Department, each 30 Cents. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT IS ALLOWED. Send for Free Sample Pages. THEO. PRESSER, 1T08 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Fine Collections for Teaching: Purposes. STANDARD First and Second Grade Pieces . . AND . . STANDARD Third and Fourth Grade Pieces Compiled for the Piano by W . S . B . JKflLTflEWS. I^C Designed to accompany the celebrated and universally used Standard Graded Course of Studies by the same compiler ^t ^t tjM* No more valuable books of compositions have ever been published—culled and selected from the best teaching material in their respective grades; in all piano liter-ature—popular classical and semi-classical—something suitable for any pupil in addition to that contained in the regular course. ©dee ot each, * * * $1.00. Durably and Substantially Bound. Address Publisher, THEO. PRESSER, 1708 Chestnut St., Philadelphia An Important Work. Th e Homophonic Forms OF Musical Composition. An exhaustive Treatise on the Structure and Develop-ment of Musical Forms. BY PERC Y GOETSCHIUS . Price, $2.0 0 net. For the use of General and Special Students of Musical Structure, a Text-book for Private Classes and Schools, an Indispensable Companion to every Book of Harmony. A New Organ Collection. Master Pieces for the Organ A Collection of Twenty-one Organ Works, Selected Chiefly from the Programmes of ALEXANDR E GUILMANT . Edited and Provided with Registration by WILLIA M C. CARL . Price, Flexibl e Cloth, $2.0 0 net. FROM THE PREFACE : In compiling this Collection the editor has endeavored to bring together a number of compositions which will especially serve for Recitals and Concert-work. In order to make it more valuable and attractive, a "Grand Choeur en forme de Marche " (from the manuscript), by Alexandre Guilmant; an "Inter-mezzo" (from the manuscript), by Joseph Callaerts ; a " Prelude et Cantilene " (from the manuscript), by Sam. Rousseau ; and a "Chorale," by Kirnberger (edited by Alex. Guilmant), have been added. A large proportion of the pieces were in the repertory of M. Guilmant during his recent American tourney, and are reproduced with the same registration and expression marks which he followed. Important New Organ Music. Bartlett, Homer N. Op. 149. Toccata in E $1 25 Bossi, M. Enrico. Op. 78. Etude Symphonique. 1 00 Dubois, Th. March of the Magi Kings 50 Toccata in G.. 85 Godard, B. Berceuse from 44 Jocelyn." Transc. by S. P. Warren 50 Guilmant, A. Berceuse in A Flat, and Priere in A Flat 60 Pastorale from First Organ Sonata. 50 Kerval, H. Marche Nuptiale (Wedding March).. 50 Lemaigre, E. Andante Religioso in G 40 Liszt, F . Pilgrim's Chorus, from Wagner's "Tannhauser". 50 Miller, Russell King. Op. 4. Scherzo Sympho-nique in F 75 Op. 6. Two Organ Pieces: No. 1. Nocturne in F 50 No. 2. Epilogue in E Flat 50 Murray, Harvey. Offertory No. 1, in A Flat 25 Offertory No. 2, in F sharp minor. 40 Rosseau, Sam. Double Theme Varie 1 25 Wagner, Rich. Yorspiel (Overture) to '"Lohen-grin " (H. N. Bartlett) 50 March and Chorus, from u Tannhauser" (H. N. Bartlett),......... 75 To the Evening Star, from "Tannhauser" (S. P. Warren) 50 Prelude "Di e Meistersinger von Niirn-berg." Concert Paraphrase by S. P. Warren.. 1 50 Published by .. . G. SCHIRMER, NEW YORK .
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