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1 TH E ETUD E Train the Musical Sense: Not the Fingers )ga r draining . A COURSE OF SYSTEMATIC STUDY - m FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MUSICAL PERCEPTION. A H«l p Tomaf d th e Bettet f Understandin g of JHusie. . . ©rice 75 Cents,-RtiTflUl * H. HHflCOJt. Ear training, perhaps the most important subject in all musical training, is at the foundation of the very structure of musical character. Strange as it may seem, this sub-ject has been greatly neglected in the past. It touches a vital point in all musical education. We haye not taught music as music—as something to be heard. The hands and fingers have been taught to manipulate the instru-ment, but the musical sense was forgotten; when it was aroused in us it was in spite of our methods. It is neces-sary that teachers themselves become acquainted with the teachings of this work. While it begins with the very elementary stage, it proceeds by gradual steps to the higher cultivation of the ear. Mr. Heacox is fitted to produce a thoroughly valuable work. He has been teaching this branch for many years in one of the leading conservatories of the country, so that the system has been thoroughly tested. Published by TfiBO . P^BSSB^ , 170 8 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. HAND GYMNASTICS. The Basis of Pianoforte Technic, B y W . FRANCIS GATES. A clear and concise statement of a variety of Hand Gymnastics for the acquirement of technic without the use of gymnastic apparatus. EACH EXERCISE ACCURATELY DESCRIBED. Every teacher should keep a supply of these inex-pensive leaflets on hand and supply them to students. THEIR USE WILL PRODUCE A MARKED GAIN IN THE STUDENT'S PLAYING. Pricc, 5 Cents Each. . 30 Cents Per Dozen, Net. THEO. PRESSER, Philadelphia, Pa. jWasie Talks Mth Children. TfiOJARS TAPPER. Bound in Cloth. Ppiee $1.25. The beautiful spirit in which this book has been written can be found in the first, eleventh, and twenty-fifth chap-ters. There is here touched upon that which creates the music possibilities, and yet nothing like it has come into the literature of music up to this time. Hence the book is thoroughly new in content as well as in its purpose to be a child's music book. The remarkably few books on music intended for chil-dren would of itself make this work welcome to thousands of readers; yet beyond this we predict that there will be found in it a charm and value entirely without parallel in the literature of music, THEO. PRESSER, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The Brotherhood Technicon,... Pianists' Hand Gymnasium. Indispensable to Pianists of every grade. Preeminently the invention which completely develops absolute oontrol of all of the piano-playing muscles. Used and recommended by many celebrated Teachers and Soloists as the most direct process for developing and perfecting technical dexterity of the hands. REDUCE D PRICES. CAOII. Teachers' Technicon, Black Walnut " " Mahogany 14.©© Students' " Black Walnut 7.5 ® Liberal discount to Teachers and Schools. Write for Mr. Brotherhood's latest essays, illustrating the advantages of Technioon exercises, sent free to any address. J. HOWARD FOOTE, Sole Agent, 31 Cortlandt Street, - New York. NEW HNTHEMS For Quartette and Chorus Choir. By ALONZO STONE, Mus. Bac. Praise the Lord, 0 Jerusalem, 12c. 0 Taste, and See that the Lord Where'er Have Trod Thy is Good 18o. Sacred Feet 10c. Great is the Lord lQe. Jesus I Lord Most Merciful, 10c. CHAS. A. BECHTER, Publisher, 416 Arch St., Phila, FOR ALL WHO TEACH * * ^ : f How to Teach ^ * How to Study I + + e v m. m . sefto n price, 50 dents* The yonng teacher, or one about to enter the profession, is in need of guidance quite as much as the pupil. Very little has been put in book form that relates to the teacher's work. Mr. Sefton has had extended experience in training young teachers. His efforts in the normal field have been very successful. His " Teachers' Class Book " is generally used by teachers who wish a system-atic record. This is a work designed to aid the teacher. It touches on every phase of teaching. Every difficulty which confronts the teacher is met. It were better that even the older teacher studied the book. There is such a thing as doing a thing for years, and doing it wrong unconsciously. He is the best teacher who is most anx-ious to improve his method of imparting knowledge, and be prepared to receive advice. It relates solely to the idea of how to get the best work out of the pupil. lP\at>lis»hiecl b y THEO. PRESSER, 1708 Chestnut St., Philadelphia MUSIC ENGRAVING AND PRINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN AMERICA. lea d for Samples and Prioe-Lists. Copyrights Attended to. THE ZABEL-WORLEY CO., 710, 721, 723, and 72 5 VINE STREET, - PHILADELPHIA, PA. Of great interest to those attracted in any manner toward an Artist's Life. NOTES OF A PIANIST B Y LOUIS MOREAU GOTTSCHALK, PIANIST AN D COMPOSER . Preceded by a Short Biographical Sketch and Con-temporaneous Criticism. Edited by his sister , CLAR A GOTTSCHALK . Trar>slated from the French by ROBER T E. PETERSON , M.D. CROWN OCTAVO. EXTR A CLOTH, $1.50. Gottschalk, one of the first American pianists and among the most talented that the world has ever known, has here related with charming vivacity his shrewd observations of people whom he met and places that he visited during his short but successful career. Clever anecdotes of his tours through many countries make the book entertaining to a great degree, not only to musicians but to the general reading public. Publishe d b y TflHO . P^ESSE^ , 1708 Chestnut Street, ...Philadelphia, Pa. I]SLTHl*HSTiriG. INSTRUCTIVE . PBfiTH^Tfllfil^O. ianoforte Study... By. . Hint s o n RLrHXflfiDH H JffeAHTfUJl* , Author of Piall O 14 Rubinstein/' a Biography; • « Irish Rebels," etc. Pl&VltlC L Attractively Bound in Cloth, $1.25. THEO . P^ESSEf* , Publisher , 170 8 Chestnut Street, * Phila., P®. METRONOMES (GUARANTEED). S2.50, withou t Bell. 3.50 , wit h Bell. These are better than the ordinary metronomes now being sold for more. Key attached. We guarantee both for one year from any defect in manufacture. Quantity discount allowed. Transportation 30 cents extra. When you want a good Metronome, and run no risk as to its being perfect, send to THEO. PRESSER, STATION A . PHILADELPHIA , PA* TO ALL MUSIC LOVERS SCRIBNER' S LIS T OF MUSICA L BOOK S (184 pages\ con-taining works in every department ot music: Musical Histories, Critical Works, Biographies, Musical Instruments, the Violin, the Organ, the Piano, Voice and Singing, Technical and Scientific Works , Musical Novels, the Opera, etc. Also SCRIBNER' S MUSICA L LIBRARIE S CIRCULAR . $10.00. $25.00, and $50.00, General Musical Libraries; and $10.00 and $25.00, Violinists', Organists', Pianists', and Singers* Libraries. All offered at very low rates, and on the instalment plan of monthly payments. Address CHARLE S SCRIBNER' S SON S (The largest dealers in Musical Literature in the United States) 153-157 Fifth Ave., N. Y.
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