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• ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 ETUDE DECEMBER, 1920 Single Copies 25 Cents The Day of Justice YES, the teachers are gettin g a little more income, but how insignificant it is in comparison with what they give! THE ETUD E has taken pride in the fact tha t for many years it has spared no time or effort in its campaign to educate the musical public for the need of more liberal terms for worthy teachers. This, in our minds, is most needed in the case of the "average" music teacher—not the specialist in the grea t metropolis or in the grea t school who by righ t receives a premium for his services, because there will never be enough grea t specialists to supply the demand for those who will have nothing but the so-called "teacher at the top. " A recent visitor to TH E ETUD E office was the manager of a large school for girls in the SSSjN South. H e was a thoroughly rJK^V—V A practical business man as HraHB f Vi \ a s a n educator. Ke-^^^^^bi^it^ ) y^r cently , the father of one of ^he y oung ladies attending f the school wrote, informing ^ s president tha t his daugh-ter could not continue. The manager, knowing that the jC gentleman managed to keep a fine automobile, wrote the ^ father to this effect: Dear Friend: Your daughter, a highly gifted and capa-ble girl, one of the most promising in our insti-tution, informs us that you have decided to have her discontinue after this p year. She has only one [ more year to go to finish L her course here. We M have appreciated your confidential note telling 4 us that your business dp reverses make this neces-Lz- sary, but is. it really necessary to cut down in this direction? I know you well enough to point out a comparison which seems to me appropriate. You have an automobile which you told me cost $3,600.00. An automobile is a fine thing to have. It increases a man's efficiency and puts a lot of pleasure into his life. But your automobile cannot cost you less than $100.00 a month for upkeep. Every day you own it the machine is decreasing in value. Your daughter's education, on the other hand, costs you $600.00 a year, or half as much as the automobile. She is an investment which will increase in value every year. Does it not seem to you that the better investment at this time is education? No t until the business men of the country take a sane, far-sighted, common-sense view of education as an investment (not as a charge, as many view it now) will teachers get what they are worth. Joy to the World CHRISTMAS time is always a pleasure to those who have to do with the making of TH E ETUDE . No t merely in our little family of three hundred and more, working at the home of TH E ETUDE , but to the thousands and thousands of fine friends who for nearly four decades have added to our Christ-mas happiness by the fine spirit of good cheer which we read between the lines of their welcome letters. Sometimes we think tha t this publishing business is different from any other in the world. There seems something fa r more intimate than ink and paper in the splendid bond that exists between you and us. I t took some mighty stiff optimism to keep one's spirits up during the black years of the war. We knew the grea t power of music a t tha t time, and we felt inspired by the fine letters received, to go on and on inspiring others to use music to "key up " the h^vgJf . great cause. W e shall never Ar^^ ^ forget the support and en- jfPreP^ thusiasm of our friends a t l^hE^ ' tha t time. A visitor from Englan d asked recently: "How did -liSLJV TH E ETUD E acquire its I T grea t circle of subscribers?" T^gS We answered: "B y helpful- | ness and friendship." We |o have tried for years to make f each issue of our journal so | c attractive, so inspiring, so |f j practical and so helpful tha t ou r ETUD E enthusiast s |f | would continue doing what they have always done—con- QjSj l tinually bringing in new g&Q friends. Tha t is the only / Bfj | secret. Our sincere hope is tJ^jSjj&Xv that for many, many decades tot come the spirit of THE ETUDE—the sincere desire, S ^fe ^ '^tizZf) above all mercenary thought, h^^^^t^^&eSt^^oS^Bo^oo c to advance the cause of musi-cal education by helping the vi^ individual teachers, students and music lovers, to progress along the most sensible and pro-gressive lines—will always be the guiding inspiration of this publication and all its futur e editors. We realize tha t this is a very intimate kind of an editorial but then we must remember that we have said tha t TH E ETUD E has a peculiarly different clientele. W e are glad to have this friendly meeting. Our representatives when they go about the country always come home enthusiastic over the cordial welcomes they have received from ETUD E friends everywhere. Surely jo y has come to the world this Christmastide with the subsiding of the tornado of hate, malice, horror and crime that war blasts throug h the world. If we lost our faith in things fo r a moment during the last six years let us now bargain again to build up those wholesome and beautiful relations which the Master sought to brin g to the world. Wha t better time could we begin than at Christmas time. To ETUD E Friends Everywhere T^HER E are no more perennial words in the 1 English Language than "Merry Christmas/' Each year they blossom anew and each season they seem more beautiful than ever. We send with joy our message of Christ-mas Love to all who have helped \ us in our work to help others in music. /sSSto
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