Thirty-Second Annual Holiday Offer of Musical Gifts A CHRISTMAS POLICY OF THE THEODORE PRESSER CO. THAT YEARLY AIDS THOSE DESIRING TO CHOOSE A GIFT FOR A TEACHER, STUDENT OR LOVER OF MUSIC. THE BEST IN MUSICAL LITERATURE AND COLLECTIONS ARE OFFERED AT HOLIDAY CASH PRICES THAT IN MOST CASES ARE FROM TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT TO FIFTY PER CENT LESS THAN THE PUBLISHER'S PRICE, AND, IN ADDITION, TRANSPORTATION CHARGES ARE PREPAID. THE PRICES GIVEN ARE FOR CASH WITH ORDER. THIS OFFER POSITIVELY EXPIRES JANUARY 1, 1921. SEND ALL ORDERS TO THEODOR E PRESSE R CO . MAI L ORDE R MUSI C SUPPL Y HOUS E 1 7 10-1712-171 4 CHESTNU T STREE T PHILADELPHIA , PA . MUSICA L LITERATUR E Every real lover of music should be well acquainted with musical history, biographies of music composers and other interesting musical subjects t o be found in the works listed below. These works make excellent additions to a music lover's library. CLOTH BOUND , UNLES S OTHERWIS E NOTED . Histor y of Music —Baltzell $1.35 Busines s Manua l fo r Music Teacher s —Bender .85 actionGoTo:4,Maste actionGoTo:4,ractionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,Lesson actionGoTo:4,sactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,i actionGoTo:4,nactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,Pianofort actionGoTo:4,eactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,Play actionGoTo:4,-actionGoTo:4,ing— actionGoTo:4,Bowma actionGoTo:4,nactionGoTo:4, .85 Pronouncin g Dictionar y of Musica l Terms— Dr . Clarke 85 Pocke t Pronouncin g Dictionar y (Paper)— Dr . Clarke 20 Grea t Pianist s on Pian o Playing — Cooke 1.50 One of the best literature works for the serious student or the ambitious pianist. Music Master s Old and Ne w (Paper) —Cooke 75 Standar d Histor y of Music— Cooke . . . 1.00 Imaginar y Biographica l Letter s fro m Grea t Composers—Cox & Chapin.. 1.00 Celebrate d Pianist s of th e Pas t and Present— Ehrlic h 1.70 Mistake s and Dispute d Point s i n actionGoTo:37,Music— actionGoTo:37,Elso actionGoTo:37,nactionGoTo:37, 1.00 actionGoTo:3,Reminiscence actionGoTo:3,sactionGoTo:3, ofactionGoTo:3, aactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Musician' actionGoTo:3,sactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Vaca actionGoTo:3,-actionGoTo:3,tio actionGoTo:3,nactionGoTo:3, AbroadactionGoTo:3, (Paper)—ElsonactionGoTo:3, 60 Lesson s i n Musica l History— Fillmor e 1.20 Pianofort e Music—Fillmore 1.35 Pian o Tuning , Regulatin g and Re-pairing— Fishe r 1.35 Galler y of Distinguishe d Musician s (Portrai t Biographies)—Garbett. (Paper, Art Bound) .50 Galler y of Eminen t Musician s (Por-trait Biographies)—Garbett. (Paper, Art Bound) 50 Galler y of Musica l Celebritie s (Por-trait Biographies)—Garbett. (Paper, Art Bound) 50 actionGoTo:3,Anecdote actionGoTo:3,sactionGoTo:3, ofactionGoTo:3, GreatactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Musicians— actionGoTo:3,Gates actionGoTo:3,.actionGoTo:3, 1.35 I n Prais e of Music—Gates 85 Musica l Mosaics— Gate s 1.35 Grove's Dictionar y of Music and Musicians ; 6 volumes 20.00 Dictio n fo r Si ger s and Composers — Hawn 1.20 Pian o Playin g wit h Pian o Question s Answered— Hofman n 1.35 A veritable mine of pianistic infor-mation. Old Fogy , Hi s Musica l Opinions an d Grotesques—Huneker .85 Richar d Wagner , Hi s Lif e an d Works— Jullie n 1.50 Observation s of a Musician , Th e Ar t Melodious—Lombard 1.00 Ho w t o Understan d Music— Mathews ; 2 volumes, each 1.35 Th e Master s an d Thei r Music — Mathews .. . 1.35 Music ; It s Ideal s an d Methods — Mathews 1.35 Musi c and Culture— Mer z 1.50 Musica l Essay s in Art , Cultur e an d Education . Cloth and Boards 1.35 Descriptiv e Analyse s of Pian o Work s —Perry 1.35 A poetic, dramatic and historical analysis or description of the best-known piano compositions. Storie s of Standar d Teachin g Piece s —Perry 1.35 The touch of romance, anecdote and educational information of this book aids in giving an intelligent understanding of many well-known and standard compositions. Ideal for students, teachers and concert-goers. actionGoTo:4,Musica actionGoTo:4,lactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,Sketches— actionGoTo:4,Polk actionGoTo:4,oactionGoTo:4, 1.00 Musica l Dictionar y and Pronouncin g Guide— Redma n .40 Th e Embellishment s of Music—Rus-sell 85 Th e Pedal s of th e Pianoforte — Schmitt .85 Ho w t o Teach , Ho w t o Study— Sefto n .4 0 Lif e Storie s of Great Composer s S treat field 1.35 Chat s Wit h Music Students— Tapper . 1.20 Th e Educatio n of th e Musi c Teache r —Tapper 1.20 Th e Musi c Lif e and Ho w t o Succee d I n It— Tappe r 1.20 India n Music Lecture— Troyer . (Paper, Art Bound.) 30 Well-Know n Pian o Solo s and Ho w t o Pla y Them— Wilkinso n 1.35 Biographica l Dictionary— Bake r 5.00 Pian o Mastery . Vols I II—Brower. Each 3.00 Pianofort e Playing— Christian s ..... . 3.00 Ho w to Stud y Kreutzer— Cutte r 1.00 Harmoni c Analysis— Cutte r 1.3actionGoTo:3,5 America n Composers— Elso n 6.00 Great Composers—Elson 2.00 Musi c Club Programs— Elso n 1.7actionGoTo:3,5 Resonanc e i n Singin g and Speakin g —Fillebrown 1.35 Th e Grea t in Music. First Year 1.35 Th e Grea t i n Music. Second Year. . . 1.35 Biograph y of Gospel Son g and Hym n Writers— Hal l 2.00 Outline s of Musica l History— Hamil -ton 1.60 Pian o Teachin g — Principle s and Problems— Hamilto n 1.35 Musi c and Morals— Hawei s 2.00 Ho w Musi c Developed— Henderson . . 1.75 Half-Hou r Lessons— Kotzschma r 1.25 Ho w t o Liste n t o Music—Krehbiel... 1.75 America n Composers—Lahee 3.00 Famou s Singers—Lahee 2.00 Grand Opera Singers—Lahee 2.50 Stor y of Music and Musicians — Lillie 90 Critica l and Historica l Essays— Mac -Dowell 1.50 Violi n Mastery— Marten s 2.50 Opera Stories—Mason 1.00 Ac t of Touch— Mattha y 2.25 Complet e Opera Book—,Noblee 5.00 Prime r of Organ Registration — Nevin 1.35 Philosoph y of Singing— Roger s 1.90 Storie s of Great Musicians— Scobe y and Home .60 Psycholog y of Musica l Talent— Sea -shore 3.00 Ho w t o Thin k Music— Seymou r 75 Los t Voca l Art— Shaw . . 2.00 Ethic s and Esthetic s of Pian o Play -ing— Sternber g 1.25 Temp o Rubato— Sternber g 2.25 Master y of th e Bow— Stoevin g 1.58 Music Supervisor—•Tapper 1.25 Standar d Operas— Upto n 2.60 Dictionar y of Organ Stops— Wedge -wood 2.75 Ears—Brains—Fingers — Wells 1.15 School Orchestra s and Bands— Wood . 1.80 FICTION—MUSICA L NOVELS . Traumerei— Dalrympl e 1.35 Th e Firs t Violin— Fothergil l 70 COLLECTION S O F MUSI C An album of music is always acceptable, and the compilations for various classifications listed below are the best to be obtained at their respective prices. The Special Holiday Cash Prices make them even more attractive, and also enables one to secure a gift for a music lover at a nominal price. FOR TH E PIANIST . actionGoTo:3,Advance actionGoTo:3,dactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Stud actionGoTo:3,yactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Piece actionGoTo:3,sactionGoTo:3, 50 America n Composers' Albu m fo r th e Pianofort e 65 actionGoTo:3,Albu actionGoTo:3,mactionGoTo:3, ofactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Descriptiv actionGoTo:3,eactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Piece actionGoTo:3,sactionGoTo:3, 65 Albu m of Favorit e Piece s b y Bach . . .4actionGoTo:3,0 Selection s fro m Pian o Work s by Beethove n .50 Favorit e Composition s b y Carl Boh m .38 Celebrate d Composition s b y Famou s Composer s 50 Albu m of Selecte d Composition s by Chopin 1.00 Lighte r Composition s b y Chopin 65 Etudes—Op. 10 and 25— Chop n 7actionGoTo:3,5 Polonaises— Chopi n 63 Preludes— Chopi n .50 Nocturnes— Chopi n 63 Waltzes— Chopi n 50 Composition s fo r th e Pianofort e by Woma n Composers 50 Famou s Composition s b y Chaminade. .5actionGoTo:3,0 Concert Album , Volume I, Classical. . .6actionGoTo:3,5 Concert Album , Volume II, Popular. . .65 Albu m of Favorit e Composition s by Engelman n 50 Eas y Engelman n Album . 40 Firs t Danc e Albu m 4actionGoTo:3,0 Firs t Parlo r Piece s 4actionGoTo:3,0 Firs t Recita l Piece s 50 Firs t Sonatina s 4actionGoTo:3,0 Favorit e Composition s b y Godard. . . .50 Albu m of Miscellaneou s Composition s b y Grie g 6actionGoTo:3,5 Albu m of Selecte d Composition s by Gurlit t 50 Hande l Albu m 40 Haydn' s Sonatas ; 2 volumes, each.. . .63 Albu m of Pianofort e Pieces— Heins . .38 Hungaria n Melodies— Hartman n .65 Playable versions of 51 old folk melodies. Mississipp i Rive r Scenes— Ker n 65 Attractive characteristic pieces. Grade 4. Left-Han d Recreatio n Albu m 40 Lisz t Albu m 65 Consolation s and Lov e Dream s by Lisz t .50 Concert Album— Lisz t 50 Albu m of Wagne r Opera Transcrip-tion s b y Lisz t 5actionGoTo:3,0 Littl e Hom e Playe r 4actionGoTo:3,0 SUITABL E FO R GIFT S T O TH E CHIL D MUSI C STUDEN T Game s and Puzzle s fo r th e Musical — Bloomfield Musi c Playlet s fo r Youn g People — Cooke Imaginar y Biographica l Letter s fro m Grea t Masters— Co x & Chapin Petit e Library, Lif e and work s of Grea t Masters— Francis . (Beethoven, Chopin, Handel, Haydn, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Wagner and Weber.) The Set, complete in 9 volumes, boxed. The Same, separate volumes. . . This set consists of miniature vol-umes of extremely well written and pleasing biographies. Child's Own Book of Grea t Musi-cians— Tapper . (Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Handel, Haydn, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Liszt, Verdi and Wagner.) Each Biography a separate booklet; each Fascinating and very appealing to the juvenile. By doing a little pasting and binding, the child practically makes the book. Firs t Studie s in Musi c Biography -Tapper Musi c Talk s Wit h Children— Tappe r Picture s fro m th e Live s of Grea t Composers— Tappe r Children's Rhyme s fro m A t o Z — Greenwald ...... Little Piano Numbers. One titled for each letter of the alphabet. Children' s Song s and Games—Green-wald Juvenil e Pla y Songs—Greenwald Melodie s of th e Past— Greenwal d Familiar themes with easy varia-tions. .40 .40 1.00 1.70 .20 .12 1.20 1.00 1.00 .50 .40 .40 .40 Wha t The y Do i n Wondertown — Alden A story, portrayed musically, of an imaginary trip through Wondertown. Merry Rhyme s fo r Childhood Time s Musica l Thought s fo r Littl e Tots — Bugbee ...-,. Each of the above two books by Bugbee are interesting little volumes of piano pieces for children to play or sing. Ne w Rhyme s and Tune s fo r Littl e Pianists— Cram m Pleasan t Pastime s fo r Youn g Play -ers— Cram m Sunn y Da y Songs— Cram m The three works above by Cramm are successful little volumes for young pianists. Old Rhyme s wit h Ne w Tunes — Hamer Musica l Pictur e Book— Hudso n Musica l Poem s fo r th e Children -Hudson Song s and Dance s fro m Foreig n Lands—Paloverde To y Shop Sketches— Roger s Ton e Storie s fo r Boy s and Girls -Rowe Picture s fro m Fairyland— Slater.. . Picture s fro m Holidayland— Slater . Picture s fro m Storyland— Slater.. . Rhymin g Tune s fo r Littl e Players -Smith Birthda y Jewels— Spauldin g Souvenir s of th e Masters— Spaulding . Tune s and Rhymes— Spauldin g Little pieces that may be either sung or played, or both together. Well-Know n Fable s Se t to Music — Spaulding .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .30 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .50 .50 .50 .40 .40 .50 .40 .40 Maste r Pieces ; from Great Composers. .75 Standar d Concert Etudes ; Difficult Piano Solos ,90 Mendelssoh n Song s Withou t Words . .88 Modern Danc e Albu m 40 actionGoTo:3,ModernactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Drawin actionGoTo:3,gactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Roo actionGoTo:3,mactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Piece actionGoTo:3,sactionGoTo:3, 65 Favorit e Composition s b y Moskowsk i .38 Mozart' s Sonatas ; Complete 1.50 Favorit e Composition s b y Mozart.. . .50 Ne w and Modern Sonatina s 63 Parlo r and School Marche s 50 actionGoTo:3,Pian actionGoTo:3,oactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Player' actionGoTo:3,sactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Repertoir actionGoTo:3,eactionGoTo:3, 40 Popula r Parlo r Albu m 40 Popula r Hom e Collection ; j(l Pieces. .40 actionGoTo:3,Popula actionGoTo:3,ractionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Recita actionGoTo:3,lactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Repertoir actionGoTo:3,eactionGoTo:3, .40 Salon Albu m 38 School and Hom e Marche s 40 Sonat a Album ; 2 volumes, each 1.00 Sonatin a Album— Koehle r 75 Albu m fo r th e Pianofort e b y Spaul-din g 50 actionGoTo:3,Standar actionGoTo:3,dactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Advance actionGoTo:3,dactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Albu actionGoTo:3,mactionGoTo:3, 40 actionGoTo:3,Standar actionGoTo:3,dactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,America actionGoTo:3,nactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Albu actionGoTo:3,mactionGoTo:3, 40 Standar d Brillian t Album ; 27 Pieces. .40 actionGoTo:3,Standar actionGoTo:3,dactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Elementar actionGoTo:3,yactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Albu actionGoTo:3,mactionGoTo:3, 40 Standar d Firs t Pieces ; 72 Easy Selec-tions ,40 actionGoTo:3,Standar actionGoTo:3,dactionGoTo:3, OperaactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Albu actionGoTo:3,mactionGoTo:3, 40 actionGoTo:3,Standar actionGoTo:3,dactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Parlo actionGoTo:3,ractionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Albu actionGoTo:3,mactionGoTo:3, 40 Standard Students ' Classi c Album . . .40 actionGoTo:3,Sunda actionGoTo:3,yactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Pian actionGoTo:3,oactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Musi actionGoTo:3,cactionGoTo:3, 50 Tranquil Hour s 65 Trebl e Clef Albu m 40 actionGoTo:3,Ver actionGoTo:3,yactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Firs actionGoTo:3,tactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Piece actionGoTo:3,sactionGoTo:3, 40 Pau l Wachs ' Albu m 50 Youn g Players ' Albu m 70 Pieces 40 Youn g Virtuos o 63 FOU R HANDS . Hungaria n Dances . Vol. 1— Brahms. . .75 Childhood Days . (Teacher and Pupil.) .40 actionGoTo:3,ConcertactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Duet actionGoTo:3,sactionGoTo:3, 65 Due t Hou r (Easy Grades) 40 Engelman n Four-Han d Albu m 50 Four-Han d Exhibitio n Piece s 65 Four-Han d Miscellan y Four-Han d Parlo r Piece s AO Hom e Pleasures—Gaenschals 30 Italia n Overture s 75 Juvenil e Due t Player s 40 March Albu m 45 actionGoTo:3,Musi actionGoTo:3,cactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Lovers actionGoTo:3,'actionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Due actionGoTo:3,tactionGoTo:3, BookactionGoTo:3, 40 actionGoTo:3,Operati actionGoTo:3,cactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Four-Han actionGoTo:3,dactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Albu actionGoTo:3,mactionGoTo:3, 40 Jus t W e Two . Very Easy. Spaulding. .40 Nurser y Tale s Retold— Spaulding.. . .40 Yo u and I. Very Easy. Spaulding... .45 actionGoTo:3,Standar actionGoTo:3,dactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Due actionGoTo:3,tactionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Players actionGoTo:3,'actionGoTo:3, actionGoTo:3,Albu actionGoTo:3,mactionGoTo:3, 40 Standar d Overtur e Albu m 50 Tw o Pianists . Grade h; Brilliant 65 Tw o Students . Grade Popular 65 Ver y Firs t Due t Book 40 Musica l Zoo. Teacher and Pupil 40 Youn g Due t Player s 40 FOR TH E SINGE R Artisti c Voca l Albu m fo r Hig h actionGoTo:27,Voic actionGoTo:27,eactionGoTo:27, 65 Artisti c Vocal Albu m fo r Lo w Voice . .65 Celebrate d Recita l Songs— Bispham . 1.00 Church and Hom e Collectio n of Sacred Song s (High) 50 Church and Hom e Collectio n f Sacred Song s (Low) ' .50 India n Songs—Lieurance ,75 Song s of th e Nort h America n Ini n —Lieurance ; . . ,75 Sacred Duets ; For all Voices .65 Singer' s Repertoire ; 36 Songs ftr ^ Me lium, Voice .40 Standar d Son g Treasury ; 48 Songs. . . .40 Standar d Vocalist ; 50 Songs 40 Studi o Son g Albu m 50 FOR TH E VIOLINIS T actionGoTo:4,Operati actionGoTo:4,cactionGoTo:4, actionGoTo:4,Selections— actionGoTo:4,Frankli actionGoTo:4,nactionGoTo:4, 45 Selecte d Classics— Frankli n 45 Societ y Danc e Journal 40 Standar d Violinist ; 32 Pieces... 40 Student' s Popula r Albu m 45 Violinist' s Popula r Repertoire ; 29 Pieces ,40 FOR TH E ORGANIS T America n Organist ; Cloth Bound 1.20 Th e Organ Player ; Cloth Bound 1.20 Organ Repertoire ; Cloth Bound 1.20 Organ Melodies ; Flexible Cloth 90 Th e Standar d Organist ; Jf3 Pieces 40 Th e Ne w Organist ; Cloth Bound 1.20 Choir and Chorus Conducting — Wodell 1,35 Musi c Roll s an d Satchels , Musica l Calendars , Musica l Pictures , Placques , Musica l Game s an d othe r Gif t Suggestion s fo r Musi c Lovers ; als o Description s of th e Mos t Popula r of th e Abov e Work s ma y b e foun d o n othe r pages .
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