Subscription Price, $2.00 per year in United States, Alaska, Cuba, Porto Rico, Mexico, Hawaii, Philippines, Panama, Guam, Tutuila, and the City of Shanghai. In Canada, $2.25 per year. In England and Colonies, 11 Shillings-2d) in France, 14 Francs) when remitted by International Postal money order, payable at Philadelphia. All other countries, $2.72 per year. Single copy, Price 25 cents. REMITTANCES should be made by post-office or ex-press money orders, bank check or draft, or registered letter. United States postage stamps are always received for cash. Money sent in letters is dangerous, and we are not responsible for its safe arrival. DISCONTINUANCES.—Owing to the educational character of THE ETUDE a majority of its readers do not wish to miss an issue. Therefore, the pub-lishers are pleased to extend credit covering a Twelve Months' subscription beyond expiration of the paid-up period. Those of our subscribers not wishing to avail themselves of this convenience of remitting later will please send a notice for discontinuance. PRESSER'S MUSICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR THE MUSICIAN, THE MUSIC STUDENT, AND ALL MUSIC LOVERS. Edited by JAMES FRANCIS COOKE Vol. XXXVII I No. 9 SEPTEMBER 1920 Entered as second-class matter Jan. 16, 1884, at the P. 0. at Philadelphia, Pa ., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1920, by Theodore Presser Co. forU. S. A. and Great Britain RENEWAL.—No receipt is sent for renewals. On the wrapper of the next issue sent you will be printed the date on which your subscription is paid up, which serves as a receipt for your subscription. Liberal premiums and cash deductions are allowed for obtaining subscriptions. MANUSCRIPTS.—Manuscripts should be addressed to THE ETUDE. Write on one side of the sheet only. Con-tributions on music-teaching and music-study are solicited. Although every possible care is taken the publishers are not responsible for manuscripts or photographs either while in their possession or in transit. Unavailable manuscripts will be returned. ADVERTISING RATES will be sent on application. Advertisements must reach this office not later than the 1st of the month preceding date of issue to insure insertion in the following issue. THEODORE PRESSER CO., Publishers, 1712 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The World of Music Gatt y Sellars , the well-known English organist-composer, returned to England July 31st, after his tour of two hundred and twenty-three recitals in the United States, prior to which he visited the principal cities of South America Th e "Opera-Ballet, " which was popular about 1718-1735, is to be revived in Paris. Eric h Wolfgan g Korngold' s inci-dental music for Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing was a leading factor in the interest excited by the recent performance of that play at the National Theatre of Munich. Stephe n TOWNSEND is to reassemble the admirable Symphony Chorus of the Boston Symphony Orchestra for the production of works by that organization, requiring the assistance of a chorus. Formerly Mr. Townsend held a similar position with the New York Symphony Orchestra. Vincen t d'Indy' s opera , "L a Legende de Sant e Christophe, " of which he wrote both the words and music, has been produced in Paris, and was hailed as an important event in French operatic history. Sir Hug h Allen , the Director of the Royal College of Music of London, was knighted on the recent King's Birthday Honour's List. Gasto n Borch , the well-known com-poser and conductor, is maturing plans by which Boston will have a grand opera com-pany of its own. $250,00 0 has been presented to the Cleve-land, Ohio, Museum of Art, toward the formation of a permanent Music Department. A Pri x d'Europ e of $3,000, offered by the Province of Quebec, carries with it a year's study in Europe. Th e Conventio n of Negr o Musician s of Americ a met during the last week of July, at the Bethel Church of New York. Lectures, concerts and addresses by white and negro musicians filled the meetings. Gran d Oper a fo r th e Pacifi c Coas t Citie s will be supplied this season by a four weeks' visit of the Chicago Grand Opera Company. Henr y Hadley , th e America n Con -ductor , has been appointed Associate-Con-ductor with Josef Stransky, of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Paderewski , in a late London interview, said, "I am through with music. I shall never play again." Charle s Wakefiel d Cad man , the great American composer, is writing a complete musical score for a screen production of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Juli a Claussen , th e Brillian t Con -tralt o of the Metropolitan Opera Company, her husband and two daughters, have re-ceived their final papers making them full-fledged American citizens. Th e Metropolita n Opera Compan y has been invited to visit London next spring. Giacom o Puccin i is reported to be con-templating another visit to America "to ob-tain atmosphere for a new opera which will have life in Old Virginia as its theme." Rober t L. Paul , Instructor of Harmony at the Peabody Conservatory of Music of Baltimore, and author of several text books, died July 5th. Eugen e J. Albert , violin expert and col-lector, died at his home in Philadelphia, July 8th. Alber t Coates , conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra, is to be "Guest Con-ductor" at several programs of the New York Symphony Orchestra, during the coming season. A Fift y Pe r Cent. Increas e of Salar y has averted a threatened strike of musicians in the "legitimate" vaudeville and musical comedy houses of New York. Th e Municipalit y of Tokio . Japan , is to build a larger music hall at Hibiya Park, because of increased interest in concerts. $4,520,000 , in all, has been given by Mr. George Eastman for the promotion of the interests of the Eastman School of Music of Rochester, New York. Th e titl e "Dame, " which King George revived during the war, by conferring it upon Madame Melba and Clara Butt, is supposed to be equal in rank to that of Knighthood for men. Th e priz e of One Hundre d Dollar s fo r th e best America n orga n sonata, offered in November, 1919, was awarded to Harry Benjamin Jepson, of Vale University. The judges were Frederick Stock, Clarence Dickinson and Mr. De Lamarter. A stupendous Hande l Festiva l took first place in the musical total of the past season in London in July. An orchestra of 250, a chorus of 4,000 and an audience that numbered 30,000 made the occasion a notable one to be remembered a long time to come. This festival is held every three years. A conventio n of Musi c Manager s met at Chicago, late in July, to negotiate a full and interesting season of musical features for the coming winter. Though it lasted only forty-eight hours it is said to have ac-complished some significant work. Ignace Paderewsk i has received the degree of D.C.L. from Oxford University, England. Alexande r Porte r Browne , the Boston lawyer who first gave status to international copyright, is dead. Mabe l Garrison , the American soprano, is winning high praise in London, with her beautiful voice and finished art. Singing lesson s outdoor s are an in-novation in some English schools. American organist s ar e makin g a determine d stand for increased pay in church services. Dam e Nelli e Melba , th e Australia n soprano , recently sang in England into a wireless transmitter, which carried the tone clearly to Madrid, Spain. Sir Edwar d Elgar has recentl y re -ceive d th e Orde r of th e Crow n from King Albert, of Belgium, in recognition of the aid to the Belgian cause, by his Carillon. A thirteen-year-ol d organis t has been appointed to an English church. He won out in an open competition with adult organists. Th e Londo n Sunday-schoo l Musi c Festiva l will be held October 16th, at Crys-tal Palace. There will be five thousand voices in the junior chorus alone. A novel feature is to be a mandolin concert in the evening, as the finishing event of the festival. Handel's orga n in th e church a t Whitchurch , England , is being restored and steps taken to preserve it to the next generation. It is still in active service, and is used in church service every Sunday. Th e Trustee s of th e Juilliar d Mu -sica l Foundatio n have appointed Dr. Eugene Allen Noble, of Schenectady, New York, as the secretary of the organization. Dr. Noble is a clergyman who long has been interested in educational work. The pur-pose of the Juilliard Foundation is "to aid worthy students in securing exceptional mu-sical training." The address of Dr. Noble will be in care of the Guaranty Trust Com-pany. of New York, 140 Broadway. N. Y. City. Columbi a Universit y has mad e th e announcemen t that the Pulitzer Scholar-ship in Music has been awarded to Bernhard Rogers, of New York City, by the jury consisting of Daniel Gregory Mason, Walter Henry Hall and Dr. Frank Damrosch. The scholarship was awarded through the School of Journalism, which was established by the bequest of the late Joseph Pulitzer, founder, of the New York World. It is valued at $1,500. The lucky Mr. Rogers is twenty-seven years old, and has already had an im-portant work, To the Fallen, performed by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Vancouver , B. C., ha d its first Music Festiva l in June. The program included Mendelssohn's Elijah, sung by the Vancouver-Westminster Choral Union, under the direc-tion of the well-known choral conductor H. A. Fricker, of Toronto. Sir Edwar d Elga r has been elected a corresponding member of the Academie des Beaux Arts, to take the place of Giovanni Sgambati, of Rome, Italy, recently deceased. Th e nationa l desir e fo r nationa l musi c has found one outlet in the founding of a Society for the Publication of American Music. Although the aims of the Society are large and include the publication of such works not likely to be accepted by the regu-lar publishing houses, at present only cham-ber music will be considered. Later orches-tral and similar compositions will be intro-duced through its medium. Eight distin-guished musicians compose the advisory mu-sic committee, which selects the compositions worthy, in their judgment, of being printed. These men are Georges Barrere, flautist and organizer of several unique ensembles; Har-old Bauer, pianist; Adolfo Betti, of the Flonzaleys; Frederick Stock, conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra: Hugo Kortschak, of the Berkshire String Quartet, and George Chadwick, Rubin Goldmark and Deems Taylor, three representative American com-posers. Each member of the Society, in ad-dition to having the satisfaction of support-ing an enterprise of so important a nature, receives a copy of every publication issued by the body. Th e Matine e Musica l Clu b of Phila -delphi a offers a prize of one hundred dol-lars, in competition, to American composers, for an instrumental ensemble for organ, vio-lin. 'cello and harp, not to exceed fifteen or less than ten minutes in length. The en-semble awarded the prize will be given a public presentation in the Ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford in the Spring of 1921 by the Matinee Musical Club. Compositions to be submitted anonymously, but to bear some distinguishing mark or motto, a copy of which, with the composer's name and ad-dress is to be enclosed in a separate sealed envelope. The Club reserves the right to withhold the award if none of the composi-tions submitted are deemed of sufficient merit. It is imperative that all manuscripts be sent in by November 1, 1920, at which time the contest closes. Please note that Mss. music is first class mail matter and that it should be sent to Clara Z. Estabrook. Secretary, 620 Cliveden Ave., Germantown, Penna. CONTENTS FOR PAC.B World of Music 579 Editorial 581 Hold Your Audience Philip Gordon 582 An Injury a Blessing Benjamin E. Galpin 582 Playing in the Right Octave H. S. CUckner 582 Make Practice Less Tedious. . .E. H. P. 582 Composition for Women Carrie Jacobs-Bond 583 Music and the Gods. .Howard W. Rover 584 Why Underpay the Teacher? Chas. E. Watt 585 The Early Fall Recital. Ella Y. Kennedy 580 Does Your Pupil Know ? Mart in Z. Union gat 586 Painless Musical Bookkeeping Francis Lincoln 586 Death to Pinching Bugs.Rena /. Carver 586 Opening the Teaching Season A. J. Eastm an 586 Hand Stretching Exercises. . . .M. C. W. 586 All About Variations E. IT. Pierce 587 Hints on Modern Fingering Francesco Berger 588 Modern Music Explained M. Charles Quef 589 Remembering the "Scales M. A. A Urn en dinger 590 Legato-Staccato.. . . May Hamilton If elm 590 Practical Fingering. .Mrs. Noah Brandt 591 Charm of Musical Proportion Francesco Berger 592 Success of Great Musicians Eugenio di Pi rani 593 After Graduation. What ? William Benbow 595 Late in Life Beginner. .Thomas Tapper 596 Established Practice Hour Lillian Martin 596 Teacher's Round Table N. J. Corey 597 Order and Efficiency. Thomas B. Empire 51V8 A Pianist's Triplet E. H. P. 598 Hearing Yourself Frank L. Eyer 598 SEPTEMBER, 1920 PAGE Three Teachers Norman IT. Harney 598 Sacrifice to the Graces Rose Frim 598 That Reactionary Accidental Maud H. Wimpenny 611 Musical Notation. New and Old 8. Walbrook 627 Find Your Right Groove.. . E. fichwenke 627 Two Common Experiences. T. B. Empire 627 Voice Department 02X Question and Answer Department Arthur de Qui chard 6.",1 Organ Department R. Huntington Woodman 6.",2 Violin Department Robert Braine 635 Junior Department.. . Elizabeth A. Gest 638 Thoroughness and Enthusiasm H. W. Reed 643 MUSI C Toreador's Song from "Carmen" Bizet-Sell iitt 599 Valse Arabesque I. Landry 602 In Sweet Accord M. L. Preston 603 Dixie Land (Four Hands). .R. Goldbeck 604 Ballet Music from "Rosaiuonde" (Four Hands) F. Schubert 606 When Shadows Fall W. Rolfe 608 Frolics W. E. Haesche 610 La Junita B. R. Anthony 615 Little Alpine Serenade.. . Francis Terry 615 Silver Stream Th. Lieurance 616 Amber Tresses P. Lawson 617 Dreams J. F. Fry singer 618 Sailor Boy E. F. ChristUmi 619 Marche Militaire tfchubert-Sartorio 620 The Jaunty Scouts /. F. Roberts 621 Jonquil Maid (Vocal) . . .J. IF. Metcalfe 622 On Thee My Soul Is Stayed (Vocal) May F. Lawrence 623 Cantique d'Amour (Pipe Organ) E. H. Sheppard 624 Meditation (Violin and Piano) Bach-Gounod 625
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