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Page 220 APRIL 1920 TIIE ETUDE From an actual photograph taken in State Armor)/, Albany, on Novem-ber 25, 1919. PRESIDEN T OF TH E UNIVERSIT Y OF TH E STAT E OF NE W YOR K NE W YOR K STAT E COMMIS -SIONER OF EDUCATIO N "The influence of music upon the individual has been known since very early times. When an evil spirit came upon Saul, David was brought to play be-fore him until he was well. I often think of Mr. Edison as a modern David, not slaying Goliaths, but playing with varied instruments before the world, which seems, like Saul, to be possessed at times by an evil spirit." Close-up of Mario Laurenti comparing hi* voice u:itli its RE-CREATION by the New Edison 6,000 Teachers Hear Astounding Triumph of Phonograph's New Art In daring comparison made with Mario Laurenti, famous baritone of Metropolitan Opera Company, Mr. Edison's Official Laboratory Model perfectly matches Laurenti's voice. WOULDN'T it be wonderful to entertain your friends with the phonograph whose realism held these 6,000 teachers spellbound and caused Dr. Finley to write his beautiful tribute to Mr. Edison? As you read the amazing story which follows, remember that you can have in your own home an exact duplicate of the Official Laboratory Model which made music-history at Albany on November 25, 1919. * * * November 25, 1919, was the memorable evening when Mr. Edison made his now-famous test in the State Armory, Albany, New York, before an audience of 6,000 people. The audience was one that truly represented you and the rest of the great American public. The entire 6,000 consisted of teachers, principals and superin-tendents of the public schools of New York State— the fine, intelligent kind of men and women to whom you have entrusted the education of your children. The singer was a distinguished artist—member of the famous Metropolitan Opera Company, New York —Mario Laurenti, the glorious-voiced baritone, one of the truly great voices of the world. With the help of the illustration, drawn from an actual photograph, you can follow in your mind's eye the whole marvelous thing that happened. Laurenti stood beside a graceful William and Mary cabinet. He started to sing. His glorious voice filled the auditorium. The audience, which had been a-buzz with curiosity throughout preliminaries, now settled back in its chairs, and surrendered itself to the ex-quisite artistry of Laurenti's voice. Suddenly the audience sat up in abrupt surprise. A low, wonder-ing whisper ran through the auditorium. Folks rubbed their eyes. Laurenti's lips were absolutely still, but his voice continued to reach them with undiminished beauty. The New Edison had taken up Laurenti's song and was RE-CREATIN G his voice with such perfect realism that the human ear could not tell that he had ceased to sing. * * * As plainly and simply as we can tell it, such is what happened. We wish you could have heard those 6,000 teachers express their amazement and delight. As Dr. Finley so finely suggests in his letter, it seemed that Mr. Edison had ushered in a new epoch in music. The Official Laboratory Model stands to-day as the only phonograph which can meet the human voice in competition—the only phonograph which has proved its right to stand in your home and bring you the joys of the world's great music and represent to your friends the culture of your home. * * * Look in your local papers for the Edison dealer's announcement. He has an exact duplicate of the in-strument with which Mr. Edison originally developed the RE-CREATIO N of music at a cost of 3 million dol-lars for research work. He will guarantee this Official Laboratory Model to do everything which was achieved by the instrument used at Albany, and he'll be glad to give you Mr. Edison's unique Realism Test, so that you can experience for yourself the magic power of the New Edison's RE-CREATIO N of music. If you can't find your Edison dealer, just write us (postal will do). We'll send you his name and address, and mail, with our compliments, a copy of that fas-cinating book, "Edison and Music," written by one of Mr. Edison's right-hand men. THOMAS A. EDISON, Inc. Orange, N. J. NEW EDISON Vhe Phonograph with a Soul
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