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Those of our subscribers not wishing to avail themselves of this convenience of remitting later will olease send a notice for discontinuance. RENEWAL.—No receipt is sent for renewals. On the wrapper of the next issue sent you will be printed the date on which your subscription is paid up, which serves as a receipt for your subscription. Liberal premiums and cash deductions are allowed for obtaining subscriptions. MANUSCRIPTS.—Manuscripts should be addressed to THE ETUDE. Write on one side of the sheet only. Con-tributions on music-teaching and music-study are solicited. Although every poa&ibie care is taken the publishers are not responsible for manuscripts or photographs either while in their possession or in transit. Unavailable manuscripts will be returned. ADVERTISING RATES will be sent on application. Advertisements must reach this office not later than the 1st of the month preceding date of issue to insure insertion in the following issue. THEODORE PRESSER CO., Publishers, 1712 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Vol. XXXVII I No. 4 APRIL 1920 Entered as second-class matter Jan. 16, 1884, at the P. O. at Philadelphia, Pa under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1920, by Theodore Presser Co. forU. S. A. and Great Britain PRESSER'S MUSICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR THE MUSICIAN, THE MUSIC STUDENT, AND ALL MUSIC LOVERS. Edited by JAMES FRANCI S COOK E A Priz e of One Thousan d Dollars , and a second prize of Five Hundred Dollars, for an original orchestral work, are offered by Mr. Harry Harkness Flagler, Presi-dent of the Symphony Society of New York. The judges of the contest will be Mr. Walter Damrosch, George W. Chadwick, John Alden Carpenter, Franz Kneisel, and Leopold Stokowski. For the conditions of the con-test, address The Symphony Society, 33 W. 42nd St., New York City. The competition closes October 1, 1920. Angel o d e Presse , a well-know n teache r an d directo r of music , died at Haddon Heights, Friday, February 14th, at the age of seventy-seven years. He was a native of Munich, Bavaria, and was edu-cated there at the Conservatory, later becoming Director o f Opera at Bamberg, and instructor in the Royal Institute for young ladies of nobility, and the High School at Augsberg. He came to the United States in 1865. He formerly was connected with the Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio ; Lake Forest Seminary in Illinois; and other in-stitutions. He directed the music in the Christian Science Church, Newark, and the free Synagogue, New York City. Th e Nationa l America n Musi c Festi -va l wil l b e celebrate d a t Lockport , N. Y. , September 6 to 11, 1920. Tickets are on sale by the National American Music Festival, Box 216, Lockport, N. Y. The morning sessions will be devoted to lectures and round-cables on matters of importance to teachers and students, the meetings to be addressed by men and women of eminence in the musical world. The afternoons and evenings will include concerts and recitals by eminent musicians, of interesting pro-grams. A Priz e of Tw o Hundre d Dollar s is offere d b y th e Tuesda y Musica l Clu b for the best original composition submitted under certain definite conditions. Th e com-petition will be judged by Messrs. N. Lindsay Norden, conductor of the Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia, Charles Heinroth, and Charles N. Boyd, of Pittsburgh. Address inquiries to Mr. Chas. N. Boyd, 4229 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Penna. The competition closes July 1, 1920. Th e Rose s of Mercatel , a ne w Opera , composed by Prof. J. Vick O'Brien, of the Carnegie Institute of Technology t o the libretto of Colonel Frank P. Day, of the same Institute was produced at the Thea-tre of the Division of Arts, Carnegie Insti-tute, early in February. The plot of the Opera was founded on a war-time incident of the finding of roses in a war-torn garden in France, while Col. Day was at the front. Th e Britis h Musi c Societ y wil l hol d a Conferenc e i n London , from May 3rd to the 8th. The proceedings will include morning meetings, evening concerts, a ban-quet, and a general meeting on the final day. Signo r Odoard o Barri , an old time composer , has recently passed away at the age of 81. He was best known by his song, Boys of the Old Brigade. Besides this he was the composer of over 1,500 songs. Wilhel m Mengelberg , th e note d Dutc h orchestra l director , will be the guest conductor of the New York Symphony Society at a concert next year. Carus o is t o sin g wit h th e Bracal e Oper a Company , i n Havana , at the close of the present season, receiving, it is said, $10,000 a performance. Sola r Spectrum , a ne w oper a which is being written by the Belgian violinist, Isadore Berger, is to feature "color har-monies" as well as musical ones. Th e youn g daughte r of th e lat e Colerldge-Taylo r is following a musical career, and already a number of songs and piano pieces to her credit. Loui s Diemer , th e Frenc h pianist , died recently, aged 76 years. Beside his work as teacher at the French Conserva-toire, he specialized in data concerning ancient instruments, in particular the harp-sichord. He was one o f the prime movers in the establishment of the Société des In-struments Anciens. He is well known fo r his editions o f Rameau's and Couperin's works. Am y Elsi e Horrocks , pianis t an d composer , died lately in Paris. She was born in Brazil, of English parentage. She composed numerous songs, as well as com-positions in larger form. Undine, an orches-tral tone-poem, had performance at Queen's Hall, London, with success. Her most fa-mous song was The Bird and the Rose. A Vieutemp s Festiva l i n commemo -ratio n of th e hundredt h anniversar y of the birth of the famous Belgian violinist and composer, is t o be held in August under the direction of Eugen Ysaye (the conduc-tor of the Cincinnati orchestra) and under the patronage of King Albert of Belgium. A uniqu e livin g memoria l of th e grea t Hande l is the annual Oratorio Festival at Whitsuntide, which has been given by the Charity Children of London every year since 1704. From four to five thousand little ones sing in this festival. Baltimor e is t o hav e it s ow n Opera Company , under the direction of David Melamet. The company is presenting tw o operas this season. M. Pierr e Monteux , th e Frenc h con -ductor , has been engaged fo r two years to direct the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Tarass-Boulba , a ne w oper a b y Marce l Samuel-Rousseau , wa s recently produced at the Theatre Lyrique in Paris, with much success. Th e composer was a winner of the Grand Prix de Rome in 1905. Tokio , Japan , ha s a ne w an d uniqu e musi c librar y which contains about four thousand books on music. By the will of the late Dr. W. H. Cummings, the library will come into possession of a manuscript of Handel, the first edition of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and the original manu-script of Bach on Chamber Music, beside several of Beethoven's personal letters. Th e cit y of Waterloo , Iowa , ha s bee n sue d b y a professiona l musi -cian , Harley L. Burns, fo r $25,000 for the loss of his fingers. Mr. Burns fell on an icy sidewalk and lay unconscious fo r several hours, during which time his fingers were frozen and had to be amputated. He was awarded a verdict of $9,395.00. A blin d men' s band , i s a uniqu e possessio n of Toronto , Canada . It numbers twenty-six members. Each musician prepares his own music-score in Braille characters, first having listened to the play-ing of it by a seeing musician, the leader, who adopts this method with each member. Everything practiced and played by the band is memorized as a matter of necessity. Some of the musicians are soldiers wh o lost their sight in the world war. Th e fallin g rat e of exchang e i n German y may result in the failure o f operatic ventures there. Director Max v. Schillings, the new director of the Berlin Opera House, in an interview with Musical America> declares that it takes him twelve hours a day to attend t o the tangled busi-ness affairs of the Opera, leaving only a modicum of time and energy for the artistic side. CONTENTS FOR APRIL, 1920 PAGE World of Music . 217 Editorials 221-2 2 Music for the Man o f To-day Major Rupert \Hughes 223 .Don't Be Discouraged E. von Schlechtendahl 224 Psychic Influence in Modern Music Cyril Scott 224 Slow Practice and Virtuosity Allan J. Eastman 225 Profitable Practice Marjorie Gleyre Lachmund 226 Piano Playing of To-day W. J. Henderson 227 Artistic Accompanying Hamilton Harty 228 Real Composition. . . Frederick Corder 229 Technical Exercises... Oscar Beririger 231 A ' ehtiori in Piano Study Clarence G. Hamilton 233 Success of B'elix Mendelssohn E. Uf Pirani 235 Teachers* Round Table.. . A7. J. Corey 235 Voice Department. .Karleton Hackett 268 What Song Meant to a Soldier W. iConnel 271 Organ Department 272 Violin Department Robert Braine 276 Question and Answer Department Arthur de Guichard 279 Junior Etude Elizabeth A. Gest 280 Introducing Yourself to the Pupil Sidney Bushell 230 How Composers Compose Check It Up Watson Y. Buckley Why Can't I Play? . .LilXian B. Martin Sight Reading J. Heller Kirn MUSI C Marching Home. .... . .J. L. Roeckel Feu Follet J. M. Rogers Fairy Prince M. Loeb-Evans Pastoral Calm H. Parker The Bashful Pianist.. G . L. Spauldlng Grande Marche Nuptiale (Four Hands) L. Renk In the Park (Four Hands) F. A. Williams Lullaby J. A. Fernandez To My Dearest A. Becker Tn the Starlight W. Rolfe Valse Francaise M. L. Brown Siciliano E. L. Ashford Morning Glory M. L. Preston Golden Wishes. . B. R. Anthony Chanson Triste (Violin and Piano) H. Tolhurst Festal Prelude (Pipe Organ) ' Andre-Rockwell With You in the Land of Love (Vocal) G. O'Hara Mammy's Sleepy Time (Songs (Vocal) Lily Strickland Elegy (Vocal) J. Massenet PAGE 232 234 234 234 239 240 241 242 243 244 246 248 248 249 255 256 258 259 260 261 263 264 266 A grea t Oper a Trust , accordin g t o report , is bein g propose d i n this country , which would control all presenta-tions o f opera, all singers, all opera houses, etc., etc. I t would also regulate prices, with the usual obvious advantage to its own capacious pocket—in the customary Trust manner. Th e One-Hundred-and-Fiftiet h an -niversar y of th e birt h of Beethove n was celebrated in Japan by lectures and concerts. Durin g th e recen t "strike " a t th e Pari s Opera , the seating capacity of the house was increased, at the strikers' orders, by tearing ou t some of the boxes, and filling the space with single seats, to be sold at a moderate price. Londo n is sai d t o b e fairl y over -whelme d wit h chambe r music . Many new string quartets and trios have been formed, which perform everything from old-time to modern chamber music. St. Loui s organist s ar e tryin g t o forc e increas e i n salarie s from churches and movie theatres by strike methods. Frenc h Opera a t Ne w Orlean s ha s finally com e t o a n end , consequent upon the burning of the old French theatre there. A choru s o f mixe d voice s i s th e newes t featur e of th e up-to-dat e movie theatre, in addition t o its orchestra. A plan is being tried out at the immense and gorgeous new "Capitol" Theatre in New York under the direction of William L. Stewart and Nathaniel Tinsten. $450.0 0 i n prize s i s offere d b y th e Nationa l Musica l Festiva l for composi-tions for piano, violin, or voice. For infor-mation as to conditions, apply to Mr. A. A. Van de Mark, General Director, Box 216, Lockport, N. Y. A n exodu s of orchestr a me n is takin g plac e fro m Austri a and other German territory, because of the low wages paid. Mr . Tanabe , a Japanese , ha s bee n appointe d b y th e Keime i Kwa i (a Japanese society fo r the advancement of in-vention) to make scientific inquiry into Oriental music. Mr. Tanabe has already studied Chinese, Korean, and Hindoo art and music. Henr y K . Hadley' s opera , Cleo -patra' s Night , is regarde d b y man y a s the best American opera written so far. It has been one of the most successful. A $25,00 0 endowmen t was bequeathed to the San Francisco Orchestra by the late Mrs. Irwin, of that city. Lieut . Joh n Phili p Sousa , it is said , wil l tak e hi s famou s ban d abroa d fo r a tou r of sixtee n months . Their first concerts will be in London, where they will play an engagement of eighteen weeks, afterward proceeding to the Continent. Mr. Harry Askin is Lieut. Sousa's personal repre-sentative. Puccin i is writin g a ne w opera , t o a librett o of Gioacehin o Forzano . The name of it is La Brigata Spendereccia. Gallignani , Directo r of th e Verd i Conservator y a t Milan , has written an opera called Pietro Calvi. Th e Oper a seaso n of th e Chicag o Oper a Compan y in New York was such an immense success that all seats were sold out in advance in spite of the death of the leader, Campanini. J. D . Rockafeller' s fre e concert s at th e Metropolita n Museu m in New York were attended by from five to six thousand people.
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