Hew music Book Publications These Works Present the Best of the Newest and Most Practical Material for Teachers and Music Lovers Twenty-Five Melodies for Eye, Ear and Hand Training FOR THE PIANOFORTE By MATHILDE BILBRO Price, 75 Cents AC H one of the twenty-five melodies is, in H . reality, a study of a special nature. Every one is devoted to some particular point in connec-tion with eye, ear or hand training. Particular at-tention is given to the matter of sight-reading and the consideration of the leger lines. The melodies tend to develop true musicianship in the early inter-mediate grades. Old Rhymes With New Tunes SIX PIANOFORTE COMPOSITIONS By GEO. F. HAMER Price, 60 Cents IN this interesting set of teaching pieces by the popular writer, Mr. Geo. F. Hamer, some of the popular old rhymes, such as "Little Jack Hor -ner," "Jack and Jill," "Hickery, Dickery, Dock," have been used as the basis for some excellent writ-ing in characteristic style. The pieces lie in the second or early third grade. The text is ad lib. American Composers' Album FOR THE PIANOFORTE Price, $1.25 AN examination of this volume re-veals twenty-two meritorious composi-tions that are the ef-forts of a number of the bes t American composers. The pub-lishers were fortunate in having excellent material available for the compilation of this album which stands as a credit to American music. No difficult pieces have been in-cluded, but only those of medium grade and of exceptional worth. There are over one hundred pages in this album and every page represents American musical ability. Four Hand Exhibition Pieces By Various Composers FOR THE PIANOFORTE Price, $1.25 ON E hundred and ten pages of the best four-hand music published. The contents are ex-tremely well selected and a number of specially arranged duets are included. Among the composers represented by both original four-hand compositions or transcriptions are Cui, Brahms, Moszkowski, Tschaikowsky, Gottschalk, Jenson, Grieg, Raff, Dvorak, and Rachmaninoff. Pictures from Holiday Land FOR THE PIANOFORTE By DAVID DICK SLATER Price, $1.00 THES E tuneful teaching pieces have a vein of originality, and are thoroughly practical. Take any one _ of the twelve two-page pieces in this collection, and the experienced teacher will soon note the convenient "lay of the hand" that seems to fit the fingering in such a way that there are few, if any, stum-bling blocks. They "play right off" and do not put obstacles in the way of the child in the secon d and •third grade. An Opportunity to Ascertain the Real Worth of the Publications of the THEODORE PRESSER CO. To afford a bet-t e r opportunity of judging th e genuine value of the books listed on this page, we will gladly send them for exami-nation. To fur-ther assist in the selection of mu-sic, we have cata-logs coverin g ever y classifica-tion. W e wil l gladly send any of these gratis. Child's Own Book of Musicians — VERDI Price, 20 Cents "XTERDI " is the title of the latest biography V added to Child's Own Book of Great Mu-sicians series. These clever biographies in-struct the children, and, due to the combination of play and study, impress the "high lights" in the lives of great masters upon their minds. After read-ing the facts given and pasting in the pictures sup-plied, the child writes a story of the master and then binds the book with the needle and cord sup-plied. Thus the child practically makes his or her "Own Book." The series is the work of Mr. Thomas Tapper, and in addition to Verdi, the lives of the following may be had: Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Handel, Chopin, Beethoven, Mendels-sohn, Haydn and Wagner. Cele-brated Recital Songs Compiled and Edited by DAVID BISPHAM Price, $2.00 FORTY-SIX MASTER SONGS THE mos t notable collect i n - n^-. ancient and modern, mad e in recent years. Mr. Bispham personally supervised the preparation of these songs and there are cop:. u> notes, revisions, English translations, breathing marks, teaching direc-tions prepared with the vie w of making this wor k of the widest possible us e for the Music Lover, Student and Teacher. There are three complete analytical lessons upon three masterpieces; a 2,000 word introduction giving advice upon ho w to select songs fo r recitals. Substantially and at-tractively bound. Pedal Book Foundation Studies for Acquir-ing Artistic Piano Effects By DR. J. M. BLOSE Price, $1.00 THI S is an excellent work that can be taken up by a student in the second \car i study and it is at about this point in the puj l's w rk that disagreeable and unmusical effects, arising fr m incor-rect use of the pedal, should l e a\ led by a clear understanding of the purpose • the ; - ial. and then adequate drill such as that f.»r which this t*>ok en-deavors to provide a foundation. Remember that although it has been said, "The pedal is the soul of the piano," a student should not depend on "soul" or "inspiration," but be guided in using the pedal by systematic and intelligent practice. Mail Order Music Supply House Theodore Presser Co. 1710-1712-1714 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa Music Publishers and Dealers
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