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Page 1S1+ FEBRUARY 1920 THE ETUDE EASTER MUSIC A Selected List for Choirmasters TH E following selection is made up of new and standard numbers from our catalogue. Every number is a gem. Solos, Duets and Anthems all have the true festal ring In addition to our own large and comprehensive catalogue we have a complete stock of the music of all publishers. We will gladly send for your examination copies of any music we have. UPLIFTING EASTER SOLOS BRILLIANT EASTER ANTHEMS 12948 Christ Hath Risen. High. (Violin Ob.) Rockwell .60 14798 Christ the Lord is Risen Med Delafield .50 12530 Christ's Victory. High. Neidlinger .60 12531 " " Med. 60 12532 " " Low 60 8924 Come Ye Faithful. Med. Minetti .60 12534 Death is Vanquished. High. Neidlinger .60 12535 " " " Med., Neidlinger .60 16162 Easter Dawn. (New.) Med. C. P. Scott .50 12721 Easter Triumph. High. Shelley .60 12722 " " Med. " .60 12723 " " Low. " .60 5330 Glory to God. High. .A. Rotoli .75 5321 " " " Med... " .75 5362 " " " Low.. . " .75 8046 Hail Glorious Morn. Violin Ob. High Geibel .60 8047 Hail Glorious Morn. Violin Ob. Low Geibel .60 12748 Hail Thou Risen One. High. Ward-Stevens .60 12749 Hail Thou Risen One. Low. Ward-Stevens .60 6891 Hail to the Risen Lord. High. Harding .50 8077 In the Dawn of Early Morn-ing. High. Violin Ob. Shackley .60 8078 In the Dawn of Early Morn-ing. Low. Violin Ob. Shackley .60 5337 Lord is Risen. High. Violin Ob Lansing .65 5372 Lord is Risen. Low. Violin Ob 65 8061 Light of Hope. High..Geibel .60 8062 " " " Low.. . " .60 16241 Lord of Life and Glory. High F. A. Clark .60 9868 Resurrection Song. High. Stults .60 8059 Risen Lord. High Geibel .50 8060 " " Low " .50 7692 Sing With All the Sons of Glory. Low Mueller .50 7142 They Came to the Sepulchre. High Solly .60 5206 Victor Immortal. High. Brackett .60 4715 Voice Triumphant. High. Stults .50 5202 " " Low. Stults .50 EASTER DUETS 14467 Christ Victorious. (New.) (Alt. and Ten.).. . Roberts .60 9447 Every Flower. (Sop. and Alt.) Rockwell .60 14381 I am the Resurrection. (Sop. and Alt.) Stults .60 14403 Easter Morn. (Sop. and Alt.) Schoebel .60 BRILLIANT EASTER ANTHEMS 10999 All Hail the Glorious Morn. R. M. Stults .12 10240 Alleluia, Alleluia!...Grander .15 (Continued; 10796 Alleluia, Alleluia! Stults .15 15626 As it Began to Dawn. R. W. Martin .12 6085 As It Began to Dawn.Norris .20 10474 As It Began to Dawn.. Stults .12 10513 Awake! Glad Soul Bridge .12 10910 Awake, Thou That Sleepest. Morrison .12 10033 Behold, I Shew You..Cam p .15 10009 Behold, I Shew Vou. . Solly .15 10920 Break Forth with Joy. Dale. .12 10472 Christ is Risen Brackett .12 10475 Christ is Risen Morrison .12 10221 Christ is Risen Wolcott .15 10984 Christ is Risen, Hallelujah! J. T. Wolcott .12 6086 Christ Our Passover. Shackley .15 6251 Christ the Lord is Risen. ~ Gilbert .15 10504 Come See the Place. . .Avery 10 10655 Come Ye Faithful. .Percippe .15 6040 Day of Resurrection. Newcomb .15 10601 Death is Swallowed Up. M!arks 15 10237 Easter Even Bohannan .15 10114 Easter Triumph Brackett .15 15507 Glorious Morn, The. (New.) W . H. Jones .12 10391 Glorious Morn Bird 15 SlofyT\° Go d Brackett .15 10487 God Hath Sent His Angels. Hosmer .10 10903 Hail! Festal Day. . .Morrison .12 10308 Hallelujah! Christ is Risen! Eastham .05 10802 He is Risen Stults .12 6295 He Was Crucified Solly .15 10111 Hosanna! . .. .Granier-Adams .15 6066 How Calm and Beautiful. Schnecker .15 10390 I Know that My Redeemer. Brackett .15 10629 Jesus Christ is Risen. Neidlinger .15 6244 King of Glory Coombs .20 10653 Lift Your Glad Voices. Percippe .15 10242 Lord, My God Steane .15 10162 Morn's Roseate Hues. Berwald .15 10376 Morn's Roseate Hues. Bohannan .10 15586 Now is Christ Risen..Clark .12 10115 Passion and Victory .Dressier .15 15595 The Resurrection..R. M. Stults .12 15598 The Risen Lord. R. S. Morrison .12 6025 Sing, Gladly Sing. .. .Wodell .12 10689 Sing, Ye Heavens Starr .12 10801 Song of Triumph.. .Morrison .12 10575 Thanks Be to God ..Hotchkiss .12 10874 Thanks Be to God . . .Lansing .12 10120 Thanks Be to God ..Marchant .15 10401 'Tis Glorious Easter Morning. Dressier .15 10389 Triumphant Lord... . Berwald . 15 10063 Welcome, Happy Morning. Brackett .15 15662 Welcome, Happy Morning. G. N. Rockwell .12 10309 Why Seek Ye the Living. W. H. Eastham .05 WOMEN'S VOICES 10803 Alleluia, Alleluia! (Three Part) Brander .15 10805 Hosanna! (Two Part) Granier .10 MEN'S VOICES 10804 Alleluia, Alleluia! Brander .15 10807 Behold, I Shew You a Mystery Solly .12 10241 Christ is Risen Minshall-Nevin .10 10934 Hosanna! (New) ....Granier .10 10806 Sing With All the Sons Brackett .10 EASTER CANTATA S THE GREATEST LOVE By H. W. Petrie 75 cents DAWN OF THE KINGDOM By J. T. Wolcott 60 cents VICTORY DIVINE By J. C. Marks $1.00 THE WONDROUS CROSS By I. Berge 60 cents By R. M. Stults IMMORTALITY 60 cents Any of the above Publications will gladly be sent for examination THEO . PRESSE R CO . 1712 Chestnut Street :: Philadelphia, Pa. Music A S EDUCATION THE listed material, though confined to the early grades is vastly broadening in general knowledge. A thoughtful presentation of practically all the points necessary to an ideal foundation of music education. (S. E.) indicates volumes from the Summy "Edition" Series. ELEMENTS OF HARMONY. By Emil Barth, 35c. Designed for the novice in music to implant a clear conception of fundamentals. TIME TABLE. By Hannah Smith, 20c. To remove doubt for all time in regard to time signatures and rhythms. PRACTICAL SCALE BUILDER. By Robert J. Ring, 25c. Attacking the scale problem from several angles, thereby insuring thorough knowledge of the subject. LESSONS IN RHYTHM. By John Mokrejs, 75c. A highly specialized work which will correctly develop the natural rhythmic sense. KEYBOARD HARMONY AND TRANSPOSITION By Anna Heuermann Hamilton. Three volumes, each, 40c. A study of this work will result in correct understanding of harmonic structure through actual experience in harmony 'analysis. The pupil is able to think in the various keys and to consciously transpose. THE CHILD AT THE PIANO. By Meda Z. Steele, 60c. The pieces in this book are planned to build up logically—step by step—a definite piano musicianship based upon a uniform progress in ear training and theory, reading, rhythm and technic. A COURSE OF FORTY LESSONS FOR THE PIANO By Allen Spencer, $1.00 . A book of especial value to the teacher of limited opportunities. THE VERY FIRST LESSONS AT THE PIANO By Mrs. Crosby Adams, 75c. Almost universally used by teachers who desire the best material for early instruction. Mrs. Adams demonstrates in these "Lessons" the new spirit of educa-tion. Th e great success of this book lies in the attractiveness of the Lessons to the child. GRADED STUDIES FOR THE PIANO Compiled by Mrs. Crosby Adams Seven books for two hands. Three books for four hands, each, $1.00 . The authority of Mrs. Adams as an educator is unquestioned. This series of Graded Studies are an expression of a much higher educational purpose than the mere ability to play to-day something a little more difficult than one could play yester-day ; they stimulate vitalized teaching. FOUR LITTLE WRIST STUDIES (S. E.) By Mrs. Crosby Adams, 40c. Very musical studies, excellent fo r the cultivation of a loose wrist. PEDAL STUDIES, FOR THE PIANO (S. E.) By Mrs. Crosby Adams, 9l.OO. The pupil learns why and how to pedal artistically. These studies deal with principles instead of markings : in that regard they are a radical as well as helpful departure in the teaching of the pedal. PRIMARY TONE PICTURES FOR THE PIANO (S. E.) By Mrs. Crosby Adams, 60c, A splendid idea of interpretation is developed through story telling in tones. THE BOY AND THE BROWNIE (S. E.) By Ruth Lydia Bagley, 75c. Eighteen tiny pieces for very young beginners, introducing the whole staff at once by pieces with words which form a connected musical narrative. EQUALIZING EXERCISES FOR ALL SCALES (S. E.) By George Bailhe, $1.5©. Intelligently teaching scales and arpeggios in a manner which is economy in both time and effort. ALBUM OF PIANO STUDIES (S. E.) By Florence A. Goodrich, $1.25 . Each study is limited exclusively to the solving of one single technical problem. SYNTHETIC SERIES OF PIANO PIECES (S. E.) By Florence A. Goodrich Part one, 75c ; Parts two and three, each, $1.00 . The creative teaching which these works furnish is inspirational and pro-ductive of fine musical growth. MY FIRST SOLOS (S. E.) By Anna Heuermann Hamilton, 90c. Solos which develop true tone and independent thinking. FOUR LITTLE ETUDES (S. E.) By Clara L. Lucas, 35c. Introducing the arpeggio, broken chord scale and grace note in a tuneful way. * STUDIES IN SIXTHS (S. E.) By Clare Rockafield, 50c. Repeated sixths, legato and staccato sixths in both trill and scale figures, fo r equal progress in both hands (preparatorv for octaves). ON THE ROAD TO TONELAND (S. E.) By Bessie W . Sherman, 75c. At an unusually early period the pupil is made to feel lie is getting on. APPLIED TOUCH AND TECHNIC (S. E.) By Earle C. Smith, $1.00 . For very serious pupils and competent teachers in the making. LITTLE BEGINNERS' PIANOFORTE ALBUM (S. E.) By Hannah Smith, 60c. Teaching tiny hands to feel at home on the keyboard. EIGHT SHORT STUDIES (S. E.) By Elsa E. Swartz, 60c. Difficult technical problems when given in short bits are productive of good results in the earlier grades. CANONS (S. E.) By Adolf Weidig, $1.25 . Tone poems in this form are splendid preparation for polyphonic playing. CLAYTON F. SUMMY CO., Publishers 64 E. Van Buren St., Chicago Eastern Agency, Harold Flammer Inc., 56 W. 45th St., New York KEYBOARD STAFF AND SIGNATURE CHART—Four Octoves, 25c. Made to fit the regular piano keyboard, A most complete chart of music fundamentals which may be used with excellent results in the school room. Attention is called to the works of Calvin B. Cady, entitled Music Education. The esteem in which these are held is best expressed in such opinions as the following: "In his first lesson the spontaneous activity of the child is awakened." "What it would mean to a child to grow into musicianship in this fashion, one accustomed to the prevailing methods onlv would find it hard to imagine." "However much one may or may not agree with Mr. Cady in details, one must confess that his work is stimulating, helpful and valuable." Please mention THE ETUDE when addressing: our advertisers.
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