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Those of our subscribers not wishing to avail themselves of this convenience of remitting later will olease send a notice for discontinuance. PRESSER'S MUSICAL MAGAZINE MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR THE MUSICIAN, THE MUSIC STUDENT, AND ALL MUSIC LOVERS. Edited by JAMES FRANCI S COOK E Vol. XXXVII I No. 2 FEBRUARY 1920 Entered as second-class matter Jan. 16, 1884, at the P. 0. at Philadelphia, Paunder the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1919, by Theodore Presser Co. RENEWAL.—No receipt is sent for renewals. On the wrapper of the next issue sent you will be printed the date on which your subscription is paid up, which serves as a receipt for your subscription. Liberal premiums and cash deductions are allowed for obtaining subscriptions. MANUSCRIPTS.—Manuscripts should be addressed to THE ETUDE. Write on one side of the sheet only. Con-tributions on music-teaching and music-study are solicited. Although every possible care is taken the publishers are not responsible for manuscripts or photographs either while in their possession or in transit. Unavailable manuscripts will be returned. ADVERTISING RATES will be sent on application. Advertisements must reach this office not later than the 1st of the month preceding date of issue to insure insertion in the following issue. THEODORE PRESSER CO., Publishers, 1712 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The World of Music Cleofont e Campaiiini , operati c conducto r an d impressario , died of pneumonia on December 19th. He was a native of Parma, Italy, born on September 1. 1m»0. Though he was an accomplished musician, a violinist from his early youth, it is as a conductor of opera that he is cele-brated. Th e first opera he conducted was Carmen. Campannini was always glad to give the American singer a chance. He will be gratefully remembered in Chicago, where he has done great things to build up an interest in music, and brought grand opera of the best obtainable to the city. He in-troduced many new works to this country, including Mascagni's Isabeau and Monteme-niezzi's La Nave since the present season liegan. Others scheduled fo r later in this >> .-<- M were John Alden Carpenter's The Hirtlulu if of the Infartta, Ravel's L'Heure Expaynole, De Koven's Rip van Winkle. Cam-pan nni' s casket lay in state at the Audi-ts rium where he had so often, conducted, and < r«.\vds attended the musical services there, and later filed past to take their last look at the famous impressario. The following day impressive services were held at the Cathe-dra!. when the stars of the opera sang—Galli-«' r i. Mary Garden, Rosa Raisa, Yvonne Call. Ilnnci, Tito Schipa. Carolina Lazzaro— thn whole company united to pay the last honors to the one who bad done so much fo r them. Krnes t Hntcheson , tlie virtuos o pianist , played three Beethoven Concertos at one recital. An astonishing feat and an innovation in the way of concert programs. Th e discover y of Americ a wa s cele -brate d in Spai n on October 12th by a remarkable musical festiva l in which Ger-man music predominated. Musie Wee k in IVew Yor k Cit y is to be celebrated from February 1st to 7th. All musical clubs, choruses, church choirs, con-servatories and artists are to join forces to make this a notable occasion. The conven-tion of the Music Trades is to take place the Mime week. The festival is the outcome of the activities of the National Bureau for Advancement of Music. \ ne « firm o f musi c publishers , Towne r Brothers , has been established at Fri-sno. Cal. Its editors are Charles Wake-tiehl ('adman and Earl Towner. They will <l*'cialize in high-class music, and their aim to serve both the composer and the public equally well. • Th e Woma n Withou t a Shadow, " III ' :w\ Strauss' latest opera, has had its I r* miere in Yienne. It was received with . n husiasm. But, au contraire, it was se-verely criticized by some of the German MMII I*-meOpera , "L a Nave, " opened t !.»• Chicago season, the composer con-It made a notable success. Mii*i«- IIN a crow d remove r is one of tl «• novelties discussed by the Fifth Avenue So icty. It appears that there is dense con-g**ti«»n on that avenue at the noon hour, and the remedy proposed is a series of con-. • t«. given at adjacent squares to draw the crowds away from the thoroughfare. Mi** Heetliove n Associatio n is a brand new x.. ietv cf notable musicians in New York City, whose objective is the assistance v musicians and the better knowledge of P..-ethoven\s less known compositions. llenr i Marteau , th e Frenc h violin -ist. A . spent several years in a German internment < amp, will make a concert tour this season. \ iiilre Massage r is t o h e musi c <*ritie of **I,a Gaulois, " the Paris journal, lie is also to conduct at the Opera Comique in Paris. Ministe r of Art s is a n office pro -jecte d b y th e ne w Mayo r of London , England . Pie proposes to create this office to function as the like office in Prance, Italy and Belgium, and to be cognizant and active in all matters relating to the arts. This office is also to extend to the personal side—such as the invitation of celebrated artists and organizations to visit England and their so-cial welfare while remaining in the country. The Mayor, Sir Edward Cooper, is especially interested in music. "Th e Mikado, " of Gilber t an d Sulli -van , was given with great success early in the season by the Society of American Singers. "Th e Haunte d Castle, " b y Miche l Dvorsky , was performed by the Philadel-phia Orchestra, under the baton of Mr. Stokowski. It is program music per se, and exploits tone color and atmosphere rather than melodic music. It was very well re-ceived. Musi c a t th e Metropolita n Museum , Ne w York , has begun a second season, through the generosity of friends of the Museum. These concerts are free to the public, given only on Saturday nights, and entirely without restrictions, except the rea-sonable demand of silence while the music is going on. The conductor of the orchestra is Mr. David Mannes. The series will con-tinue through January and March. Carus o is (as Wendy in Peter Pan puts it) "again a father." A small "Signortna Caruso," who may some day be a great singer, like her famous daddy. Th e Matine e Musica l Club' s annual prize of one hundred dollars, given in com-petition for the most suitable three-part Can-tata for women's voices, with incidental solo parts, has been awarded to Carl Busch, con-ductor of the Kansas City Symphony Orches-tra. The cantata, Pan's Flute, will be pre-sented by the Matinee Musical Club chorus on the evening of April 20, 1920, in the ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford, under the direction of Helen Pulaski Innes. Th e Rosevill e "Citizen, " of Newark , X. J. , devotes an enthusiastic editorial to the efforts of Joseph A. Puerstman to bring the best music to the town. Their program dur-ing holiday week included such important events as a pianists' contest judged by Sergei Rachmaninoff'; a concert by the Sistine Quar-tette from the Vatican, a recital by Rach-maninoff, a fine performance of the Messiah by a chorus of three hundred picked voices and an unusually fine quartette of solo voices. That a small, obscure town should be able, through the efforts of one of its citizens, to bring to pass such notable musical events shows what may be accomplished in towns of its size and larger all through the country. A ne w musica l magazine , "Musi c an d Letters, " is launched in London, Eng-land. The editor is Mr. A. H. Pox Strangways, and the list of contributors in the first issue includes some of the highest names, musically speaking, in England. THE ETUDE extends the best of good wishes to its new contem-porary. May it thrive mightily ! Tlie famou s ol d Frenc h Oper a Hous e at Ne w Orlean s was burned to the ground during the holidays. It dated back to over a century, and some of the most notable singers and operas of the world were heard there, both American and foreign. Horati o W . Parker , th e well-lcnow n America n composer , is dea d a t th e ag e of lifty-six . He was born at Auburn-dale, Mass., on September 15, 1853. In child-hood he studied the piano, his first teacher being his mother. Later he took up the study of the organ. His teachers were American teachers, Stephen Emory and George W. Chadwick being among them. He also studied abroad. Dr. Parker was successively organ-ist at Trinity Church, New York, and Trinity Church, Boston. He was professor of music at Yale, and in 1902 Cambridge Universitv conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Music. Dr. Parker is best known by his oratorio, Hora Novissimo, which has been widely sung here and in England. Beside this he composed a number of oratorios, A Legend of St. Christopher, A Wanderer's Psalm, etc, etc. An opera, Mona, was suc-cessfully produced at the Metropolitan, Mine. Louise Homer taking the prima role. Other operas and sacred choruses, as well as songs, anthems and oiyr n voluntaries, are in the list of his compositions. He established many musical organizations, both in the college with which he was connected and elsewhere. Sig n o r Luig i Illica , th e librettis t of Tosca, Madame Butterfly (adapted from the book by John Luther Long), La Boheme and nearly fifty more successful and well-known operas, is dead at Rome, Italy. Igiiae e Paderewski , wh o wa s fo r a tim e th e Premie r of Poland , has, since his resignation from that office, gone to reside in Switzerland. "Th e Monthl y Musica l Record " is celebratin g its jubilee , having been es-tablished in 1871. THE ETUDE begs to con-gratulate its esteemed contemporary and to extend the heartiest good wishes for its next fifty years ! "Ri p Va n Winkle, " Reginal d de Koven' s ne w opera , has just been given with great success in Chicago. Dr . Alfre d Hallam , wel l know n a s a conducto r an d teacher , is dead at Phila-delphia. Although a native of England, his musical activities have been pursued entirely in the United States. He was for many years Musical Director at Chautauqua, and he did much to build up the musical inter-ests of that community. Later he trans-ferred his winter teaching to Skidmore Col-lege, Saratoga Springs, where he supervised an excellent faculty. He also lectured at Cornell University. As conductor he has been at the head of many large choruses and produced some of the best known works. He had been in poor health for some time, but succumbed suddenly and unexpectedly of heart disease. A pleasan t exchang e of interna -tiona l musica l courtes y occurred in Bar-celona, Spain, when Mr. Kurt Schindler, Di-rector of the Schola Cantorum in New York, recently visited that city. Mr. Schindler, who had given many performances of Cata-lonian music in New York, was given a spe-cial performance in his honor in Barcelona by the singing society Orfeo Catala. M. Alfre d Cortot , th e Frenc h pian -ist, is again in this country making a wide concert tour. M. Cortot was obliged to ob-tain special permission from the French Gov-ernment to leave France, since he holds the position of UntTer-Secretary for the Beaux Arts for the State. Florenei o Constantino , th e Spanis h tenor , died on November 3 9th, at Mexico City, where he was singing en tour. He was an associate of Mme. Lillian Nordica in the Carl Rosa Opera Company for several sea-sons. lie also was a member of the Ham-merstein fortes in New York and of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Mme . Jnli a Claussen , wh o ha s bee n tourin g wit h arreat succes s in Norway and Sweden, has been decorated by the King of Sweden with the order of Literis et Arti-bus. 73 CONTENTS FOR FEBRUARY, 1920 PAGE actionGoTo:2,WorldactionGoTo:2, ofactionGoTo:2, MusicactionGoTo:2, •actionGoTo:2, 73 Editorials 77 N. M. T. A. Convention 78 Etudes of Chopin Isador Pliilipp 70 Indispensables in Pianistic Success Josef Hofmann 81 Musical Shape, .Frederick Corder 83 Is Playing by Ear Harmful? J. W. Bleecker 85 Key Relationship ....Arthur S. Garbett 86 Secrets of Success of Schumann E. di Pirani 87 Gather Memories C. von Sternberg 80 Music After the War Jaroslav de Zielinski 91 Teachers' Round Table .N. J. Corey 93 ETUDE Prize Contest (Second Series) .. . 94 actionGoTo:27,HisactionGoTo:27, SatanicactionGoTo:27, MajestyactionGoTo:27, inactionGoTo:27, OperaactionGoTo:27, 123 Voice Department 124 , Question and Answer Department Arthur de Guichard. 127 Organ Department 128 ETUDE Letter Box • 130 New Musical Books 131 Violin Department Robert Braine 132 A Letter to a Young Musical Friend Ruth Rineualt 135 JUNIOR ETUDE Elizabeth A. Gest 130 Some Errors, and How 1 Corrected Them .4. W. S. 82 Just One Moment Mae-Aileen Erb 82 Be Thorough T, L, Rickaby 86 PAGE Three Lessons W. Francis Gates 86 High Grade Concerts in Small Towns Edna Kingsbury Watts 88 How to Start a Community Chorus Ada Hoffrek 00 Trys for the Teacher E. E.' Hipsher 00 Note Reading and Keyboard Drill Vera Arnica Johnson 02 Musical Dictionary .M. E. Keating 123 MUSIC Danse Columbine L^ Strickland 05 Perns and Flowers W. A. Johnson 06 Full of Fun P Lairson 07 Ilumoresque Americaine,. .E R. Kroeger 08 Flame Fairies A. C. Galbraith 00 Friska from "Hungarian Rhapsodv No. 6 " (Four Hands) F. Liszt 100 Sparkling Fountain I. M. Ritter 104 On the Train D. D. Slater 105 The Indian M. L. Preston 106 The Cricket M. Loeb-Evans 111 Menuet Ballet E. F. Christiani 112 Chachucha-Caprice J. Raft 114 You (Vocal) S. F. Widencr 114 When Love is All (Vocal) A. F. Tate 116 If You But Knew (Vocal) . .A. P. Risher 117 Frolic (Violin and Piano). C . S. Morrison 118 Bells of Aberdovey (Pipe Organ) H. J. Stewart 110 Menuet from "Symphony in Eb" W, A. Mozart 122
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