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350T H E e t u d eARTHUR P. SCHMIDTJMueic publisherBOSTON146 Boylston StreetLEIPZIGN E W Y O RK J36 Fifth AvenueMUSICAL NOVELTIES. $0.40. .40 . .40PIAN O FO RTE SO L O SA L E T T E R , W .In Stately Measure. Menuetto Piccolo. (2A) . . B A U M F E L D E R , F R IE D R IC H .Op. 375. Maybells are ringing. (2a )..................Op. 377. Joyous Fanfares. March. (2c) . . . . B E R W A L D , W .Op. 26, No. 1. Menuetto graziose. ( 3 A ) ................................60N o. 2. Mazurka Capripe. ( 3 B ) ................................... 60No. 3. Valsette Impromptu. (3 B )................................60No. 4. Romance Poetique. ( 3 c ) ................................40B U R G , A L F R E D .Op. 40, Sylvan Pictures. Four characteristic pieces :N o. 1. Through the M eadows. ( 2 A ) ........................ 60N o. 2. Dance of the Elves. ( 3 B ) ................................60No. 3. The W aving Pines. ( 3 A ) ............................... 60N o. 4. Flowers of the Forest. (3 A )............................ 60F O E R S T E R , A L B A N .Op. 156, No. 1. W ith Flying Colours. ( 2 c ) ........................ 40No. 2. Shepherd’s Song. ( 2 c ) ................................... 30Op. 157. The M eadow Brook. (3 A )...........................................40H U M M E L , JO H . E.Op. 448, N o. 1. The Chimes in the W ood . Idylle. (3B) .40N o. 2. Under the Linden Trees. ( 2 B ) .....................40Op. 458. Dreams of Youth. Minuetto. ( 2 A ) ........................ 40Op. 462. E lsa’s Message. Tyrolienne. ( 3 A ) .........................40L A Z A R U S , G U S T A V .Op. 65, N o. 1. Nocturne Romantique. (4 A )............................ 60No. 2. Valse M elodique. ( 3 c ) ................................... 60S C H IL D , C A R L .Op. 54. Dream of H ope. ( 2 c ) .................................................. 40Op. 55. Pure as Snow. (3 A )......................................................... 40^/ — x ................................... 30.............................40.............................40....................................60Op. 62. Birthday Greeting. (2c) S C H U M A N N , GEORG.Op. 23, N o. 1. M orning. (4A) . No. 2. At Evening. (3c) N o. 3. Barcarolle. (4A) . W A C H S , PAU L.F£mina. Valse Lente. (3A) . .PIAN O FO R TE STUDIESTHE PUPIL'S FIRST ETUDE ALBUMA collection of the Easiest Pianoforte Etudes. Selected and arranged in progressive orderB YFERDINAND MEYER Price, $1.00 PIAN O FO RTE DUETSB E A C H , M RS. H . H. A.Op. 47. Summer Dreams. Six duets (E dition Schmidt,No. 5 5 ) .....................................................................1.25N o. 1. The Brownies.N o. 2. Robin Redbreast.N o. 3. Twilight.No. 4. Katydids.No. 5. Elfin Tarantelle.No. 6. G ood Night.VIOLIN AND PIANOP A L A SC H K O , JOH.Op. 31. Six Bagatelles for V iolin (1st Position).No. 1. Spinning S o n g ........................................ ... . .50No. 2. B a r c a r o lle .............................................................50N o. 3. R o n d o .................................................................... 50No. 4. L e g e n d e .................................................................50No. 5. No. 6.Sketch . . . ........................................ ... . .50Rustic D a n c e .................................... . . .50SONGSA M B R O SE , P A U L .Op. 18, N o. 1. The Crown of Love.G (d -g ), E Flat (b flat-e flat) .40 No. 2. A Spring Song,G (f sharp-b), E Flat (d-g) .60 N o. 3. Consolation. F (d -c), D Flat (b flat-a flat) .30Op. 19. The Lotus F low er T w o K e y s ....................................40H A H N , J. H .Op. 15, N o. 1. The Proposal. A (d f l a t - e ) ............................ 40N o. 2. L ove Thee, Dearest. B Flat ( e - g ) ................. 40H E R M A N N , W .Op. 49. The Tim e of Roses. A (d sharp-g or a) . . . . H Y A T T , N. IR VIN G .Op. 4, No. 1. Marguerite. E Flat (d -f), C (b-d) . . . .No. 2. Beneath T hy Lattice. A Flat (e-e), F (c-c) S H E P A R D , T H O M A S G.“ M e.” A Cycle o f Songs. T ext from “ A C hild’ s Garden of V erses,” by Robert Louis Stevenson. (E dition Schmidt, No. 56).60No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4No. 5 No. 6Foreign Lands.The Land of Counterpane. My Shadow.The Lamplighter.My Ship and I.Farewell to the Farm.i NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT FREENo* i f Piano.No. 2 , Songs. No. 3 , Octavo. No. 4 f Violin. No. 5, Organ Music.Photographs of Composersand other Musical SubjectsWe supply artistic portraits of Beethoven, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Liszt, and Wagfner in large size for ♦00 each, or suitably framed for $2*50 each* A larger variety in medium size at 40 cents each, or suitably framed at $1*25 each* Also a variety of other subjects suitable for a music room* Unmounted cabinet photographs at $J*50 per dozen, Catalogues \5 cents*C n i l l o A r f C*f\ 338 B> Washington St. • J v J U I v > /" m l L Boston, Mass.E M E R SO NPIA N O SAre thoroughly good Pianos. Thoroughly good means as to the interior— the vital part of the Piano. Every piano case is fairly good— some are better than others— but everyone can judge of the outside for himself. It is the inside, “ the busi­ness” part, that should be looked after carefully. The Emerson will stand this inspection.EM ERSON PIANO CO.BO STO N CHICAGOT E A C H E R ’S DEPARTM ENTYO U will be interested in the announcement that we have established a Teacher's Department, under the direction o f a teacher o f twenty years’ experience, which will be entirely devoted to searching out, preparing, and supplying E V E R Y want o f A L L classes and grades o f teachers. This department is intended to aid the teacher in securing such music and other teaching helps as he may need. Preparations for its estab­lishment have been making for the past four years, and it is already equipped with unusual helps. Behind it are the immense resources o f the Oliver Ditson Company, which will be drawn upon to supply all demands.W e also send music O N S A L E . These selections are made up o f the latest and best teaching music. Our circular describing this method o f supplying teachers will be sent on application.W E SO LICIT CORRESPONDENCE AND W IL L W E L C O M E INQUIRIES.A s already stated, this department is intended to aid teachers in secur­ing proper teaching material, hence we will gladly answer questions and give suggestions to those w ho care to avail themselves o f our help. W rite us, giving full information as to the amount, grade, and style o f music you use, and we will send you our catalogs, and keep you informed concerning the latest editions o f Teaching and Choir Music.Address T E A C H E R ’ S D EPARTM EN T,Oliver Ditson Company,Boston, Mass.N . B. Send for Teaching Pieces and H ow to Teach Them , a series o f n in e t y -s ix p age an alytic and th em atic catalogs o f piano m usic.I f yo u teach sin g in g send for Selected Songs, a sim ilar series for h ig h , m ed iu m , and lo w voice son gs.^ A4,s J ,
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