For Economical Transportation Chevrolet Fits the Finest Homes or Most Modest Incomes
Consider the evident high quality of this all-year family car, and its remarkable price—then you can understand why it has been necessary for us to double our production facilities this year.
Many families already owning the highest priced cars, also own a Chevrolet Sedan or Coupé. They find it not only consistent in style and general quality with their social position, but also astonishingly economical to operate.
Those of more limited means take justifiable pride in the ownership of this distinguished car, which is nevertheless so easy to buy and maintain.
Thousands of pleased owners will tell you a Chevrolet offers the best dollar value of any car made.
Your own requirements for economical transportation will determine your choice of models.
Any Chevrolet dealer will explain their many points of superiority.
Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Mich.
Division of General Motors Corporation