Your physician has told you that it is simply one of the thousands of cases of “debility.” You have tried certain “tonics” without avail, but you have not yet tried Sanatogen, the true food-tonic.
And Sanatogen may well prove her salvation, for remember that thousands of women who were weak and weary have derived new strength, a new joy of living, from its use.
Olive Schreiner, the famous writer, gratefully exclaims:
“Nothing that I have taken in years has given me such a sense of vigor as Sanatogen.”
And Lady Somerset, the noted social reform advocate, refers to the way Sanatogen “braces the patient to health.”
This help of Sanatogen is not the false help of a mere stimulant but the constructive aid of a true food-tonic which gives the exhausted system the natural elements for building up the blood, strengthening the nerves, improving
How well it performs this function, physicians in every land—21,000 of them have endorsed Sanatogen in writing—know from actual observation. Their attitude is well summed up by the famous Berlin specialist, Professor
Eulenberg, who writes:
“I am using Sanatogen more and more in cases of nervous troubles which have their origin in poverty of the blood and poor nutrition, and never had occasion to regret its use.”
And we feel sure you will never regret using Sanatogen.
Sanatogen is sold by good druggists everywhere in three sizes, from $1.00 up.
Grand Prize, International Congress of Medicine, London, 1913.
Send for Elbert Hubbard*s new book—“Health in the Making.” Written in his attractive manner and filled with his shrewd philosophy, together with capital advice on Sanatogen, health and contentment. It is FREE. Tear this off as a reminder to address
THE BAUER CHEMICAL CO. 29 G Irving Place, New York