The Crown Combinola Masters the World of Music
Masters it for YOU, for anyone can play ANY music, besides produce delightful effects—effects possible with no other make of instrument. It is the ideal Player-piano because it is the successful combination of a perfect piano with a perfect player mechanism.
We are pleased to tell you about the Crown Combinola because the instrument itself—in first demonstration or in permanent use—backs up all our representations concerning it.
We have been building pianos for many years, and we have put into our instruments all that experience has taught us, together with the best materials money will buy.
The buyer of a Player-piano should consider whether he wishes an instrument for appearance, or for both appearance and service—for a year or two or for a lifetime. We make and sell the lifetime kind.
Write to-day for our
Beautiful piano book and other literature
We sell on time and will take your old piano to apply on purchase price of new instrument, and guarantee the same satisfaction in purchasing through correspondence as if in person at our warerooms.
214-216 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.