The Burrowes Musical Kindergarten Method
THE BURROWES METHOD was built up for children and from actual study of the needs, preferences, character, and even the whims of children. The authoress has taught a musical kindergarten for many years, during which she has composed songs, invented games, and constructed apparatus too numerous and varied to mention or describe; and of these only the most valuable have been retained. Everything that was dull, cumbersome, ineffective, or unchildlike has been abandoned, and what remains has been tested through and through, and its value proved beyond the shadow of a doubt. There is nothing in it that is not agreeable and entertaining. IT IS NOT BUILT ON MERE THEORIES. It
is not the inspiration of a day. It is, on the contrary, the CREAM OF FIVE YEARS OF SPECIAL EFFORT, and the fruit of many other years of toil and study. The results speak for themselves.
MUSIC TEACHERS OF ALL GRADES should investigate this
work. ADVANCED TEACHERS will profit largely by establishing kindergartens in charge of an assistant or partner, thus creating a preparatory department which will act as a feeder to the advanced classes.
The advantages of the Method to YOUNG TEACHERS is obvious.
KATHARINE BURROWES, B 1302 Presbyterian Building, Fifth Avenue, New York.
Western Address—618 Second Avenue. Detroit. Mich.