XJ4E ETUD E 6 5 A NEW BULLETIN FOR TEACHERS POPULAR PIANO SELECTIONS. Six Good Marches. Cascade Nat Mann $0 50 Filibuster , R H. Barker 50 Gayest Manhattan J. W. Bratton 50 Hampton Roads Leo. E. Berliner 50 The Syndicate , Geo. Parry 50 Young and Dashing Rudolph Aronson 50 Excellent Characteristic Piano Pieces. Lambs' Gambol ,Theo. Bendix 50 Levee Revels Wm. C. O'Hare 50 The Spray A. E. B. Leonard 50 Japanese Lantern Dance J. W. Bratton 50 Dream of the Ballet J. A. Silberberg 50 Downu Ole Tampa Bay W. T. Francis 50 Polonaise in E=minor J. A. Silberberg 60 WALTZES . Cyrano F. M. Witmark 50 Day Dream S. B. Weiler 50 In Gotham Max Gabriel 50 Between the Acts Herbert Dillea 50 Rivalry J. Gilbert Spross 50 Virginia Courtship P. Rubens 50 SIX SHOW Y PIANO SOLOS, BY TH E LATE HDUfl^D HOIiST. Brocken Revels. Galop de Concert 50 Old Chapel Bell. Idyll 50 Robin's Morning Call. Romanza 50 Woodland Lullaby. Morceau 50 Dying Shepherd. Reverie 50 Birds' Courtship. Characteristic 50 Special for Thirty Days to Teachers. Any five of the above will be sent, postpaid, for $i.oo. PIANO COLLECTIONS (in Book Form Only). "Mythological Fancies." By William Lorine,$1 00 A suite of four dances. No 1. "Diana," No. 3. "Apollo," No. 2. "Venus," No. 4. "Undine." " Wild Flowers." Chas. Bendix 1 00 A book of dainty solos. No. 1. "Arbutus," No. 3. "Primrose," No. 2. " Clematis," No. 4. " Columbine." FOR YOUTHFUL PLAYERS . 44 Musical High Tea." By Eduard Hoist 50 A popular book containing six pretty sketches. 44 Sunny Days." By Eduard Hoist 50 A charming set; brimful of novel surprises. GREA T SUCCESS OF Victor Herbert's and Harry B. Smith's Comic Opera "TH E FORTUNE TELLER." A s played by the ALIC E NIELSE N OPER A CO., at Wal -lack's Theatre, N . Y., to the capacity of the house almost every performance. Vocal Score (complete) $2 00 Vocal Gems $0 50 Lanciers 80 50 Libretto 25 March 50 Selections for Piano 75 Schottische 50 Waltzes 75 ANOTHE R OPERATI C SUCCESS "TH E JOLLY MUSKETEER." Boo k by STANISLAU S STANGE . Musi c by JULIA N EDWARDS . A s played by the JEFFERSO N D E ANGELI S OPER A CO., at the Broadway Theatre, N. Y. Yocal Gems ...I $0 50 Vocal Score $2 00 Medley Waltz, "Friends"... 50 Selection for Piano 1 CO Lanciers..... 50 Waltzes 75 Arrangements: First and Second Mandolin, Guitar, and Piano. By T. P. Trinkaus. M. WITMARK & SONS, WITMAR K BUILDING , SCHILLER BUILDING, 8 WES T 29TH ST. , SUITE 611, 613, 615, 617, NE W YORK . CHICAGO, ILL. The Witmark ^Vfusic Iiibi?ai?y ... TH E MOS T COMPLET E IN AMERICA . For Sale and to Rent. Orchestral Scores and Parts of all Operas, Opera Comiques, Operettas, Musical Comedies, Oratorios, Cantatas, Choral Works , Symphonies, Suites, Fantasies, Concert Overtures, etc.; also Violin, Piano, ' Cello, and other Instrumental Con-certos ; Prompt Books, Stage Managers' Guides, Vocal Scores, and Chorus Parts for Operatic Works . Burlesques and Musi-cal Travesties, Costumes, Scenery, and full paraphernalia for Amateur Performances. Largest Assortment of Operatic Excerpts, Arias, etc., with accompaniment for Full Orchestra (Original Keys and Trans-posed) for Sale and to Rent. Music Arranged, Adapted, and Transposed. Lithographing, Autographing, Copying, Hec-tographing, and Typewriting done. Composers' Work s Re-vised, Harmonized, Arranged, and Orchestrated. Send for Catalogues and Particulars. M. WITMARK & SONS, Proprietors. BEGIN RIGHT The Remington Standard Typewriter REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST DEVELOP-MENT O F MECHANICAL SKILL. (N o 6, New Models: J No # 7 an d (.No. 8. Send for descriptive catalogue. WYCKOFF, SEAMANS & BENEDICT io5 S. Ninth Street, Philadelphia. (Continental Hotel.) The Choral Class Book H Uext^Boof e fo r Singin g Scbools , Colleges , irnstitntes , publi c Schools , ETC. , ETC . ... by ... L. S. LEAS0N and H. H. McGRANAHAN. Complete, in fioaitd Covers, 7 5 Cents. 194 Pages, Iiatfcje Oetavo. A complete course in chorus singing from the very beginning to the most advanced concert work. Contain-ing an abundance of material for every purpose,—church and concert, solos and quartets, anthems, patriotic songs etc., etc., and a selection of choruses from the best works of the great masters. A great advantage this work has in addition to the large volume and variety of material is the separation into three parts : Elementary, Intermediate, and Chorus Department, each 30 Cents. A LIBERA L DISCOUNT IS ALLOWED . Send for Free Sample Pages. THE0. PRESSER, 1708 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Fine Collections for Teaching: Purposes. STANDARD First and Second Grade Pieces . . AND . . STANDARD Third and Fourth Grade Pieces Compiled for the Piano by W . S . B . JVIATflBWS . ^ ^ Designed to accompany the celebrated and universally used Standard Graded Course of Studies by the same compiler ^^ (^t ^ No more valuable books of compositions have ever been published—culled and selected from the best teaching material in their respective grades ; in all piano liter-ature—popular classical and semi-classical—something suitable for any pupil in addition to that contained in the regular course. ©rice of each, * * * $1.00. Durably and Substantially Bound. Address Publisher, THEO. PRESSER, 1708 Chestnut St.Philadelphia An Important Work. The Homophonic Forms OF Musical Composition. An exhaustive Treatise on the Structure and Develop-ment of Musical Forms. B Y PERCY GOETSCHIUS. Price, $2.00 net. For the use of General and Special Students of Musical Structure, a Text-book for Private Classes and Schools, an Indispensable Companion to every Book of Harmony. A New Organ Collection. Master Pieces for the Organ A Collection of Twenty-one Organ Works, Selected Chiefly from the Programmes of ALEXANDR E GUILMANT . Edited and Provided with Registration by WILLIA M C. CARL. Price, Flexible Cloth, $2.00 net. FROM THE PREFACE : In compiling this Collection the editor has endeavored to bring together a number of compositions which will especially serve for Recitals and Concert-work. In order to make it more valuable and attractive, a " Grand Choeur en forme de Marche " (from the manuscript), by Alexandre Guilmant; an "Inter-mezzo" (from the manuscript), by Joseph Callaerts ; a " Prelude et Cantilene " (from the manuscript), by Sam. Rousseau ; and a "Chorale," by Kirnberger (edited by Alex. Guilmant), have been added. A large proportion of the pieces were in the repertory of M. Guilmant during his recent American tourney, and are reproduced with the same registration and expression marks which he followed. Important New Organ Music. Bartlett, Homer N. Op. 149. Toccata in E $1 25 Bossi, M. Enrico. Op. 78. Etude Symphonique. 1 00 Dubois, Th. March of the Magi Kings 50 Toccata in G 85 Godard, B. Berceuse from u Jocelyn." Transc. by S. P. Warren 50 Guilmant, A. Berceuse in A Flat, and Priere in A Flat 60 Pastorale from First Organ Sonata. 50 Kerral, H. Marche Nuptial e (Wedding March).. 50 Lemaigre, E. Andante Religioso in G 40 Liszt, F. Pilgrim's Chorus, from Wagner's "Tannhauser" 50 Miiler, Russell King. Op. 4. Scherzo Sympho-nique in F 75 Op. 6. Two Organ Pieces: No. 1. Nocturne in F 50 No. 2. Epilogue in E Flat 50 Murray, Harvey. Offertory No. 1, in A Flat 25 Offertory No. 2, in F sharp minor. 40 Rosseau, Sam. Double Theme Varie 1 25 Wagner, Rich. Vorspiel (Overture) to u Lohen-grin" (H. N. Bartlett) 50 March and Chorus, from uTannhauser" (H. N. Bartlett) 75 To the Evening Star, from "Tannhauser" (S. P. Warren).. 50 Prelude, u Die Meistersinger von Niirn-berg." Concert Paraphrase by S. P. Warren.. 1 50 Published by . .. G. SCHIRMER, NEW YORK. 1
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